The Attorney General of the State of New York "Bitcoin Exchange"

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Demanded a Bitcoin Exchange report, left office due to a strong scandal

The New York State Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, left his post after The New York Times published material on how he beat his four lovers.

The former Schneiderman partners said that in 2013-2017 he beat them repeatedly and threatened them with violence. Only two women agreed to name their names: Michelle Manning Barish and Tanya Selvaratnam. The others wished to remain anonymous, explaining that they feared for their safety.

The victims reported that they were found by accident, using the online campaign for women's rights #MeToo. The movement came after accusations surfaced against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Schneiderman himself previously publicly announced the support of the #MeToo movement.

However, now the former New York State Attorney rejects the accusations against him.

"Several serious charges have been filed against me, which I categorically reject, These accusations are not relevant to my professional activities, but they do not allow me to direct the department at this crucial moment." I leave my work at the end of the working day on May 8. of 2018 "

All the victims were with Schneiderman in sexual relations and they said that he showed cruelty without mutual consent.

Recall, in April, Eric Schneiderman sent requests to 13 large bitcoin exchanges, offering to reveal detailed information about their activities. Some exchanges supported this initiative, and Coinbase even disclosed part of the information publicly.

At the same time, the Kraken exchange refused to respond to the prosecutor's request and said it did not want to endorse inadequate regulation of the cryptocurrency industry in New York State.

According to the New York Constitution, the state legislature may fill the vacancy of the Attorney General. However, taking into account the upcoming elections in November, any person elected by the legislators for this position will work on this publication only a few months.

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