Internet Privacy? Should it be a thing?? Encrypted Data, Spying, MegaCoin and more!

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Learn about how the internet actually controls your privacy, data and more.

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So Encrypting the internet...

I will have to admit I don't like that our governments have this much control over our data and I don't think that I am the only one who feels this way.

There is just something about that this that makes you feel like you are constantly being watched and or not trusted. That the government is worried about keeping control over it's citizens.

Now the thing about governments is that we still need them as of right now, for protection, public services, money and a general sense of leadership.

But does that mean that they should be able to look at everything we do on the internet??

Probably not or not in most cases but giving them access to just in certain cases really gives them access in all or any case they want. Snowden pointed out to us that we are being spied on by the NSA and without a good cause for it.

I can see the need for both privacy and the need of the government to need access to stuff like this to prevent certain things.

If we where to encrypt everything it will force the government to play on a different playing field and not use spying to gather their information. This may put them at a disadvantage until they can adapt and learn new ways to prevent things certain things from happening. They will have to find new ways of identifying and preventing events from happening.

That is just a little taste from both sides of this argument.

I do think that it will level the playing field for all humans allowing us all to be free on the internet and not have this over baring force watching us at all times.

Crypto is really the original vision of the internet, a free web of computers that can connect with each other without being controlled by any government or third party.

This space has in the last week started to raise some questions in my mind about whether we should be making changes like this but overall I believe we should all be granted privacy on the internet.

Thanks for reading and I hope you will leave me a comment if you have any thoughts, ideas or have a question!

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