Is "James Altucher" the Crypto Expert Predicting the Next Bitcoin?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


I have a problem with a few advertisements I see on facebook.

They use this guy's face and name and promise to "reveal the next bitcoin" but there is a $49 yearly subscription to find out what they are talking about. You also see similar ads from a "Stansberry research" group. Then theres palm beach research, and probably a thousand other firms. White collar hoax speculators if you ask me.

Wouldn't true crypto enthusiasts promote the next true bitcoin for FREE in crypto forums and social media?

Also, if this guy supposedly has already made millions off crypto, why the hell should he ask people for MORE money just to receive "insider information?"

I get it - there is a lot of information for free on the internet, google, yeah yeah - but most of it is useless information.

Sometimes good information is not cheap. But in the crypto community, freedom reigns supreme. Value is derived in many other ways. I personally believe someone should call out this guy (or the organizations pretending to be him) on facebook. I would like to find someone who has already paid one of these similar marketing firms you see advertising on facebook, and ask that person which coins they recommend and why.

I would tell the entire world which coins I recommend. Free of charge. I will explain why later, but you can't go wrong holding purely random splits of any coin among top 10 listed on Names? I recommend Dogecoin, Litecoin, Zcash, Monero, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Steem and Steem Dollars, you can cap the list there for now. Iota still has issues. If there is a new coin about to displace bitcoin, should we really have to pay $49 just to hear it from someone else?

I think these ad firms simply want your money so they can buy crypto themselves. The coin they tell you to buy is the coin they are buying. Also, they are wasting their dollars advertising on facebook. You can advertise to a more targeted crypto audience on my personal site: where there is a list of bitcoin advertising networks that accept bitcoin (unlike facebook) and are thus a better return on ad dollars.

I did a google search of the James Altucher - he legitimately has a free blog. The one thing he says that is true, is 99% of all alt coins are either scams, or don't have the business experience to succeed.

Anyways, rather than trying to get rich off speculating on bitcoin, maybe some of us should be spreading the word and helping people get started in crypto, creating real value and freedom in other lives, and multiply our wealth through our NETWORK, (net worth) rather than hoping on some new magic coin to make windfalls.

GODSPEED my reader. Thanks for reading, please be at ease in these volatile and uncertain times.

To our total freedom, with Ωmegaspeed,
♕ King Tyler VVS ♕
founding father of

"The truth shall set you free."Masha.jpg

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Great interview

lol you upvoted your comment here but not the post itself!

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