Bitcoin Conference Kiev 23 September 2016

in bitcoin •  9 years ago 

Bitcoin Conference Kiev is a unique conference on cryptocurrency  designed to answer such questions as: what Bitcoin is, why it is needed  and why Ukraine stands a good chance of becoming ideological center of  the global Bitcoin community. 


Ukrainian fintech market  can boast the development of blockchain technologies. A group of  specialists has been formed in Kiev, and thanks to their efforts the  country is among top-3 regulators of blockchain trends. Here you can  find everything what is needed for gathering major players of blockchain  community of CIS countries and Europe. 

That’s what we are doing: on 23 September 2016 Smile-Expo will organize 3rd Annual Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Kiev and unite everyone who is interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency at the third annual platform for likeminded people. 

Will be present: founders  of crypto platforms and blockchain-based services, representatives of  Ukrainian national and foreign banks, entrepreneurs (developers,  financiers, and lawyers), investors, authors of smart devices and  application solutions. 

Choose the needed level – for experts, beginners and developers – and get an array of useful information just in one day. 

Expert. We  will discuss cases, operation of blockchain-based services, internet  security, investment activities, prospects of mining, smart contracts,  stock exchange instruments, as well as latest news. Separate reports  will be devoted to initiatives at the domestic level:  creation of  blockchain-based management tools and position of national regulators of  different countries. 

Developer. We  will have a look at blockchain services in action. We will learn how  smart devices work and how code is written for them. For any technical  question or practice – come here. 

Rookie.  For those who are always hearing about bitcoin, blockchain and smart  contracts, but do not fully understand what it is. Specialists will  explain the main notions step by step, and will mention what projects  can be built on the basis of blockchain. Just in one day you will get  all needed information about cryptocurrencies and blockchain, from  different perspectives. 

We welcome experts, as well as anyone who wants to know more about blockchain and bitcoin!  

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