Review ICO ZeroCarbonProject

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

With the growth of technological progress, the technology market is constantly improving, which has a favorable effect on many economic indicators. But, this phenomenon also has negative distinctive features - an increase in the consumption of electrical and other types of energy, which entails great harm to the environment. This, in turn, entails the need to search for alternative sources of energy, and their implementation in the daily life of society, as well as in production processes.

But, as a rule, obtaining alternative energy is a labor-intensive process that requires the availability of expensive equipment, new ideas and qualified personnel. Such requirements are beyond the power of ordinary users, so they do not go into these kind of undertakings. But, this is just the main mistake. The absence of stakeholders is the main problem of the world market of ecological energy.


One of the main ways to solve the emerging problems is to implement the ecosystem of the Zero Carbon Project. This is a unique project, which has no analogues in the world and domestic market. It will solve most of the unpleasant situations associated with the transition to alternative energy sources.

The main goal of the platform is the development of new projects in the field of alternative energy sources. This is a very important area, since most of these solutions are simply closed at the design stage due to lack of funds, qualified specialists or special tools.

The secondary objective of the project is to motivate technical enterprises and ordinary users to use cleaner sources of energy. A huge number of manufacturing enterprises are still working on old equipment, using the usual technologies, and they simply do not want to switch to something modern, or they can not afford it, and this also entails the appearance of certain kinds of problems.

Distinctive features of the project

The ecosystem of the Zero Carbon Project has several cardinal differences from its competitors. First of all, it is the use of computing power based on blockchain technology. Thus, it is possible to significantly expand the range of investors, who are attracted by the openness and security of cooperation with the company.

An additional difference is the possibility of earning with the active use of the platform. The revolutionary system of earning tokens (domestic currency) allows all users to further increase their financial position, while also saving on electricity.

Platform Components
This is a very complex industry, which involves solving a huge number of problems in various ways. Therefore, the Zero Carbon Project ecosystem consists of several elements, each of which is important in its own way.

The main components of the site are:

Energy Suppliers - this component includes all owners of power plants that use different types of renewable resources for their work. Such organizations are given the opportunity to post a description of their project on the pages of the Zero Carbon Project, to attract new users who will pay for consumable alternative energy using tokens.

Consumers are ordinary consumers who receive from the ecosystem a unique opportunity to purchase electricity at the most favorable tariffs. On the platform, there is competition, allowing consumers to get even lower cost and popularize the various companies that provide services of this kind on the most favorable terms.
Zero Carbon markets - a unique platform that allows consumers to cooperate with large companies without having to contact intermediaries. In the chain of interaction there are no governmental bodies and any other instances. This allows you to popularize the platform and reduce the cost of the services provided, thanks to competition and the absence of additional commission fees.Energis smart contracts are smart contracts that users make to consume electricity. This dramatically differentiates the system platform Zero Carbon Project from working to date. Users do not sign a large number of client contracts, but only fill out a smart contract. It lists all the nuances of payment for services and the use of electricity. Such contracts can be broken at any time.

Third party crypto-exchanges is one of the most interesting components. It provides for all third-party exchange services that allow you to transfer the system's internal currency to other cryptographic assets or even to fiat funds. This further decentralizes the platform, making it completely independent of the economic situation in various countries and government sanctions.
Due to the large number of components aimed at solving a huge number of tasks, it is possible to create an open market. Thus, each user and supplier is given the opportunity to choose the most favorable conditions for cooperation. This allows each consumer to take part in improving the environmental situation in the country. By putting all the efforts together you can really achieve amazing results.

All data in the system is encrypted with the help of blockchain technology. This allows you to provide maximum security for all users, regardless of where they stand in the platform.



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