Sentiment: Ethereum search trends indicate more growth to come?steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Despite weeks of record-breaking growth, Google trends show Ethereum searches still lagging far behind Bitcoin. If search interest is any metric to trust - more growth is possible as the industry moves towards a polychain future.

Will Ethereum growth continue dispite this short period of rapid growth?

google search trends

Looking at the search trends, even today, Ethereum is only receiving 25% of the Google searches Bitcoin is privy to. Does Ethereum still have a large population of potential investors who remain unaware of the project? - I think so. There have been so many diehard Bitcoin maximalists in the past few years we has been privileged with its revolutionary blockchain tech. These maximalists have purposely shunned other projects that "threatened" Bitcoin's position as the blockchain of choice. I have seen many long time Bitcoin enthusiasts slowly opening up to the concept of the polychain future I believe we are charging toward.

Searches for cryptocurrency and blockchain trail even further behind. This might be indicative of the general education level of the market today. Many of those interested in Bitcoin and Ethereum have very little idea of the requisite tech and why that technology is so powerful. Everyone is interested in the exceptional returns that both Bitcoin and Ethereum have delivered, very few are passionate about the value the blockchain technology will bring to society.

Since about 2015, the promise of blockchain projects other than Bitcoin was apparent. Ethereum seeks to become one of the base layer protocols in the future of many interconnected blockchains. The search trends indicate that the other blockchains have much further to go to reach Bitcoin popularity levels.

People that know about Ethereum are scarce as it is; the number of ETH holders that could actually explain the project is even smaller.

Stay open minded to a polychain future,

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