Anyone Can Reproduce But Some Things Should Be Regulated Because Some Are Irresponsible?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

The argument of freedom vs security comes up over and over again when it comes to introducing new things in our society. Such is the case with Bitcoin. Such is the case with guns, drugs and any other controversial topic. The arguments are the same. "X substance/item/idea/technology is used SOMETIMES from bad people and therefore we should "regulate" it for the good of everyone else". Bullshit.

Some people will always do bad shit whether that is holding guns, bitcoin, knives or... making offspring. It is massively hypocritical how most people scream like helpless children about the regulation of bitcoin or guns or or or by bringing the most horrific exceptions to the rule as example but say almost nothing about regulating dicks and pussies that are responsible for creating some of the most horrific atrocities to the most helpless individuals on this planet — children.

We do hear about bad things done to children whether that is physical abuse, murder or even selling them for profit. People sit around the TV and talk about it in horror but no one steps up to say "The government should do something about this". For some fucked up reason it is ok for some irresponsible and deranged people to bring a life and torture it, sell it or kill it but it is not ok or acceptable is some people some times to use bitcoin or guns for bad reasons.

Notice the logic here? Almost always the arguments against guns or bitcoin are carefully picked, finding the worse case scenarios. How very convenient right? When it comes to fucking and reproducing though nobody dares to speak a word, neglecting that over 90% of the prison population comes from poor and abusive families. In other words. fucked up people making even more fucked up people.

If most people were honest with themselves, they would call for some kind of reproductive ban. If the government was honest with itself it would call for a reproductive ban. Before bearing a child people would have to go through some kind of testing and evaluation and if they are deemed fit then they shall be granted a license for reproduction. This is what an intellectually honest person should do in regards to everything around them. Instead people pick and choose from a buffet of freedoms and securities in order to suit their own taste. It is as if the government desires for idiots to reproduce since they are the ones funding their "governing" operation.

There is no counter argument against "regulation of X" other that this simple example. If a government allows anyone to reproduce then this implies that they accept the consequences that some children, the future citizens, will be tortured, neglected, sold or killed by some people and no one will be able to stop them. There are no secret cameras in houses. There are no regular visits from welfare offices. Anyone can spread their seed and if something goes to shit, well, better discover it before it is too late — as it is almost always the case. Similarly the government geniuses shouldn't try to regulate guns, bitcoin or anything else since they do accept that some people will always fuck up in some way and there is nothing to be done about it.

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“It is massively hypocritical how most people scream like helpless children about the regulation of bitcoin or guns or or or by bringing the most horrific exceptions to the rule as example but say almost nothing about regulating dicks and pussies that are responsible for creating some of the most horrific atrocities to the most helpless individuals on this planet — children.”

Urgently adds the above to her official quote-collection book and attempts to suppress a roaring laughter, until she realizes that it is futile.

Good day to you too! 🤠

The logic of your argument could go either way. If it's wrong that the government fails to pursue reproductive control, then by analogy, it would be wrong for the government to fail to pursue gun control.

The question of reproductive control can be re-framed: "What sort of people should there be?" This lays the eugenic roots of such ideas bare, and show why we should approach interference in this realm with caution.

What sort of moral question underlies restrictions on guns? "What sort of person should be allowed to own an item that can more easily end a life than a fist or a knife?"

How about bitcoin? "What sort of person would have access to a decentralised non-fiat currency?" I know many governments would answer "No one!", but I would argue the exact opposite.

Either way, the moral problems that underlie reproductive control, gun control, and access to bitcoin are quite different, which makes me think that your analogy perhaps isn't that strong, and hence that we needn't accept your conclusion.

This is not about wrong or right. This is about being consistent. If you are pro regulation then you should support all kind of regulation. If you are against regulation, even for one thing then you stop being intellectually honest.

I agree that we should aim for consistency in situations that are in analogous. My point is that, when it comes to things we might regulate, not all things are identical in effect or moral import, therefore there is no inconsistency with regulating some things and not others.

I could say: "If you are anti-regulation, then you should be against all kinds of regulation, and that if you support any regulation then you stop being intellectually honest". If you stop and think, this potentially has some pretty extreme implications.

I think that weed shouldn't be regulated, but you know what, I'm OK with the fact that it's actually pretty hard to purchase hydrogen-bombs or VX gas. If that makes me intellectually dishonest, then so be it.

You are being down to earth and brutally honest on this topic...

Isn’t he always so? Lol.

I guess you haven’t been here for long. Perhaps you should try and amend that, if you are fond of this type of commentary that is.

I have no problem with people who want to sell their children being able to.
By definition a transaction transfers the product from a party which values it less than the price; to a party which values it more.
Being sold improves your circumstances.

Hahahaha, impressively acute and amusing point!

Definitely following you :)

Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up.

how does someone know that if a couple is fucked up, their children would be fucked up too when they grow up?

Maybe most of them grow up to become thieves, scammers, addicts, gamblers, criminals or anything at all, but we could not say for certain that if someone is too much fucked up in life, their children would be like that too.

And on the contrary, if a couple is perfect, does that guarantees that their children would not do something wrong in their life?

I believe that the biggest scammers in the history had the most educated parents.

A number of terrorists had educated parents.

The more rich parents are, the more their children would have money to get spoiled in life.

The more messed up the life of parents are, the more they would want their children's life to be better than themselves.

Consider anyone, does they want their children to be better than themself or worse?

So I kind of don't agree to your point about this thing.

Saying Bitcoin is bad because they can be used to find criminal activities is the most retarded argument. Sure it can, but so is Fiat. Let's burn all the money.

Wow. This is one hell of a post and it explains almost everything important going on in the world. You are absolutely right to say that we must step up against everything bad. Singles make the masses. And politics can be a bitch sometimes. We must put out individual efforts to maintain a balance whether it being physical abuse of children,women, guns, government etc.

Whoa, that dude with the 15 kids is a piece of shit.

very good video, but very scary i love it

As a conservative Canadian, I wrote a post on control, you might find interesting.

Hypocrisy has been exposed, fuck regulators

im thankful that i knew the good and bad and always guided by God, against messy world. Godbless..

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If most people were honest with themselves, they would call for some kind of reproductive ban. If the government was honest with itself it would call for a reproductive ban. Before bearing a child people would have to go through some kind of testing and evaluation and if they are deemed fit then they shall be granted a license for reproduction. This is what an intellectually honest person should do in regards to everything around them. Instead people pick and choose from a buffet of freedoms and securities in order to suit their own taste.

Thank you for your opinion about what makes an intellectually honest person and what they should do or would call for.

It's my opinion that instead of calling for someone else to make the problems in the world go away, I as a person should take responsibility for myself , my own life, and what happens around me. Trying to find solutions, (try to find the root cause and try to do something about it in my surroundings, not finding quick and easy "solutions" for the symptoms) this is i.m.o. much better than asking some violent institution far away (who don't care about children) to do it for me.
It has a much greater impact and better results and is a more adult and honest approach.

The state (culture) raised those "parents"
They breed those parents cause they need those parents. (to continue their schemes)

There are no consequences for having that many children, those "mothers/fathers" have government as a subsitute daddy (gangster daddy), a daddy that goes around extorting money from other people for "the children". the children are used for emotional manipulation by the mothers and the government.
(with government bad behavior is subsidized and what you subsidize you get more of i.m.o.)

The fact that there are bad, stupid, vicious, and downright evil parents does not make extortion and violence of the government does not follow.

pot, guns and bitcoins don't advertise on the evening news, cars alcohol and drugs that cause suicidal actions do, guess what the news says is bad?

If the tobacco tax is intended to get people to stop smoking, then what is the purpose of the Income Tax???