Get out of the dollar

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

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With stocks and house prices hitting all time highs, should you stay invested in the market to grow your nest egg, or cash out and get out of the casino before everyone recognizes the coming collapse? What are the tell-tale signs just before a massive collapse? Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan issued an epic warning Aug 1 2017 that the debt is in a bubble, the market is not recognizing the bubble, and how it all comes crashing down - step by step!

Widely followed financial analyst Gregory Mannarino, founder and host of, rejoins Reluctant Preppers to lay out the real and present danger posed by unprecedented sovereign debts and central bank buy-ups of all assets, and what a preparedness-minded person must do to recognize the anatomy of a bubble and protect themselves from financial annihilation!

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Reposted from reluctant preppers YouTube channel

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Very good post 👍🏻😄🇦🇷

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Is anyone looking at USD index and how it has fallen in first half of 2017.

We think alike! Upvoted!
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