Bank of England Governor: “Bitcoin Has Failed" - Yet more bidding from Globalists Banksters...

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


Following suit with his globalist partners in crime - Jamie Dimon, Bill Gates, et al - none other than the Cunning Cockroach Carney - Mark Carney, Bank of England Governor, has joined the fearmongering and FUD campaigns to discredit Bitcoin as it threatens their own illegat fiat ponzi schemes.

As per the March 5th article Bank of England Governor: “Bitcoin Has Failed as a Currency but Blockchain Technology Has Promise” delves into, Carney began by stating:

"the time to hold the crypto asset ecosystem to the same standards as the rest of the financial system has come"

Well let me begin by reminding you that the modern traditional banking system - based on the standard of fiat (which is one that creates currency out-of-thin-air) - has failed miserably over the past centuries, as the Pound, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and so forth, have vastly depreciated in value losing the lion's share of their purchasing power - all on the backs of debt issuance that have enslaved the populations through interest rate payments and taxation to repay that debt.

The article continues:

Carney went on to add that the rising prices of these cryptocurrencies exhibit all the classic hallmarks of previous bubbles

No Mr. Carney. The "hallmarks of previous bubbles" encompass everything that central banks (and investment banks) have done over the decades and most significantly since the 2007-08 Financial Crisis for which they and you have not only set the stage for, but have cunningly orchestrated and profited from.

As former Governor of the Bank of Canada, my native country, you partook in the looting and debasement of the currency of my country and its people. But due to your expertise in the matter, you were "promoted" to Her Majesty's own private bank - The Bank of England - which like the US Federal Reserve is a private corporation - and one that sits in the City of London which itself is also run by a private corporation City of London Corporation which is yet another looting funnel from the masses to the Queen's coffers.

Your employer's former heads at the BoE drove the mighty British Empire to its knees because of such reckless stewardship of the Pound. Oh, but as the current Governor of the Bank of England, you already know this.

I have to hand it to you sir, though, as you are as shrewd and cunning as they come. That is likely why they have chosen you to head one of the most sinister corporations in the free world. Let us get a taste of your method of madness Mr. Carney; we needn't look further than a short excerpt of your testimony as head of the FSB (Financial Stability Board) in the following video All the Plenary's Men in which you were protecting your banker buddies at HSBC from being prosecuted after the financial crisis:

Watch from 21:10 to 25:25


Carney, head of the FSB, testifying under pressure but remaining cool as a cucumber.

You did such a good job for the bankers here by basically ensuring that the DOJ in the US could not prosecute HSBC for its wrongdoings during the financial crisis that it got you the nod for the Governorship of the Bank of England - and being the only foreigner to head it in its 318 year existence. Bravo mon ami! So there's no doubt you got the skills.

For those who are unfamiliar with the FSB (Financial Stability Board) - which works hand-in-hand with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), I invite you to have a look at my 4-part series entitled The International Banking Cabal Exposed - more particularly in PART II - The BIS


Continuing with the BTCManager article:

He backed his pessimism by highlighting that digital currencies lack any intrinsic value or external backing.

Can you tell us, Mr. Carney, what are Bank of England notes backed by? Gold? Oh wait, no they dropped that standard over a century ago. Backed by nothing you moron. (I can call you a moron here or a lying hypocrite - take your pick!)


“Crypto-assets do not appear to pose material risks to financial stability,” he concluded

No Mr. Carney. What poses risks to financial stability is:

  • fiat that is created out of thin air;
  • fractional reserve banking;
  • a quadrillion US dollar equivalents in risky derivatives bets by big banks;
  • bank account holders who will run on the bank when they find out its all a scam.

Those are what is creating financial instability, Mr. Carney.


Bitcoin has failed eh? I don't think so, as it is the grandfather of Cryptocurrency which will prove your industry irrelevant and put you out of business in less than a decade.

So keep tooting your horn for the bankster globalist elites for which you are merely their puppet. Like many others (Bernanke, Yellen, Draghi, Kuroda) that follow orders and do the bidding for the elite, you will eventually fail along with them. Keep whistling past the graveyard, for this is where your fiat ecosystem is headed, Mr. Devil in Carneyate.


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I like this. Followed you

Thank you. I follow you too my friend!

What is he holding up there ? Is that the magic hockey puck that hit him in the head before he dribbled out this bollocks. Mark Carney gives Carnies a bad name. "Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands." They scare me too Austin, they scare me too...

Fiat Central Bank money has failed.

  • $1 USD today is worth about $0.03 circa 1913 USD