Despite of much advanced technology of bitcoin cash here’s the fact — it’s currently really hard for people to buy bitcoin cash due to new currency. Meanwhile, some exchanges have added the new currency for trading, liquidity is super low, which is why some say the price is being artificially inflated such as on Because most exchanges are not permitting deposits yet, the only bitcoin cash available to trade is currency that was given by exchanges after the hard fork. Users holding bitcoin cash outside of exchanges, or in exchanges that don’t support trading, are stuck waiting.
So the conclusion of this story is that there is probably a thsoudsads of bitcoin cash waiting to be sold, as soon as traders can transfer it. That’s because there’s not a whole lot of incentive to keep the coins, especially when people think it is overvalued and want to quickly cash out. And the price has already fallen — take a look at the price moment today in USD. It’s already down from a high of $680 to around $350 on Bitfinex, one exchange that is offering a market for the new currency.
As a result all people are buying Bitcoin with their bitcoin cash which would be seems profitable to them. In the future I don’t know how much it will fall or rise, but after hard fork bitcoin future is more brighter than any other cryptocurrency. If in this month Bitcoin price luckily touch to line of $5000 may be it will successful to grab full attention of whole electronic media, which will lead to value of BTC 5 times more than now in this year because electronic media is the only way to grab attention of everyone towards crypto, when it will reach to everyone, we can not expect how much volume of crypto market cap could be. Thanx