Hash Rate # Will the real Satoshi Nakamoto please stand up

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

Hash Rate

measures the rate of performance in solving any given algorithm that needs solving in order to obtain mined Cryptos

The main cost of a miner's are usually electrical cost, cost of equipment and rental. The higher the hash rate, the better a miner is able to receive a block reward which is limited in terms of numbers. At any one given time, only one miner get's that reward block.

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Today, when I woke up, the first thing I saw was an article about Satoshi Nakamoto mining huge amounts of Bitcoin cash for a mysterious purpose.

Satoshi Nakamoto mining over 40% of Bitcoin cash
The question is why? It really stinks when your mining your own business after investing in equipment, power and rental when suddenly, you see Satoshi Nakamoto receiving most of the Bitcoin cash. Has Satoshi suddenly gotten the Infinity gauntlet of mining?


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Definitely, there are fears of such activities. It is obviously not the real Satoshi. There may be a potential attack that may come and it may also be to manipulated Bitcoin Cash's prices by accumulation of large amount of Bitcoin cash to later dump it off all at once reducing demand and ultimately the price. I smell an arbitrage.

In case you do not know what Bitcoin cash, behold the power of knowledge below from the Wizard of


Bitcoin Cash - The What is

Bitcoin cash is a hybrid of Bitcoin that was born from a HARD FORK. It has more transaction capacity

Are you a Bitcoin cash supporter? What do you think is the motive of the Satoshi Nakamoto's dominance in mining Bitcoin cash?

I think I at this moment of time, owning anything that has Satoshi written on it would make you famous.

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BCH is trash imo. Same for all the other forks. The scaling problems of bitcoin can be solved by off chain solutions like for example lightning network.

BTC is just a lot more secure.

Hi Niel... Thanks for the great comment. What's ur favorite crypto BTW. 😀😀😀

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I am Satoshi Nakamoto!

I hold a small amount of Bcash, due to a small amount of bitcoin I’ve been holding for while. Maybe it has its place, but I like the real thing.

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Can you give me some of your Bitcoin Cash, Satoshi? Just joking. Hehe.. Ooo the real bitcoin isn't it. Wow, it seems that you have a great portfolio line up. 😀😀😀

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Trying to have a good portfolio! Wish I would bought either, I new it would be big when it was like a dollar. Didn’t put my money where my mouth was.

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Sorry if it sounds offensive. Sometimes I am a bit crude. 😀😀😀

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Ahah.. But from what I see, it won't matter much because I can tell that you come from a wealthy family. HI HI. Patrick. Nice to see u here again... 😀😀😀

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Lol no not wealthy at all, my Dad just worked really hard and made wise choices. He did the shitty jobs that no one else would do. I remember my parents used to say don’t answer the phone on Fridays because we would have trips to the cabin planned.(in which he worked hard for, bought cheap land and built the cabin himself, with the help of friend and family) I did once not understanding, ruined the weekend cause my Dad was called into work. I can’t describe how he worked to make everything happen. He made steel btw. Very dangerous job.

From this he taught me that they are ways to work smarter not harder. Taught me there’s a system and you can play with it or work against it, but you might as well work with it. He also taught me about making my money work for me and passive income.

Everything I’ve got I’ve worked hard for gave up things for and took chances. Any money my parents ever lent me I’ve paid back.

Samantha is another reason for my success(our) She makes great money, but took a long time and a lot of money for schooling. I can’t really describe our struggle throughout our lives to get here and there’s still more to go.

So I guess I got a little offended, 😂😂, but not in a bad way. It’s just not that way at all. I still consider you my brother!

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Hahha... Yea.. I guess it was kind of offending unless you could see my face when I said it. It was actually a joking comment. Then suddenly when I press sent then I thought.. Hmm won't it sound offensive since I sounded sarcastic in a bad way.

Anyways, yea, our parents are really great people. I guess my dad works in somewhat a similar field as urs in a way. He was in the steel area. It's not easy. I know how u feel when u were not understanding at that time. I did that in the past too.

Your wife is Samantha right? I guess it's usually the struggle that slowly leads to a better life. Life slowly becomes alot better usually. I had a hard time last two years and sleepless nights. Things are getting better nowadays. 😀😀😀 Thanks for being having great sportsmanship. Haha sometimes one wrong move and any friendship can sink in seconds. I think ur a great person to be honest and also very patient.

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Yea I really didn’t think you had bad intentions I your comment. I just hope I don’t come off like that on social media. Anytime anything is posted it’s all “staged” and you often don’t see the struggle. I am lucky to have a cabin, a big beautiful home, and a great healthy family. But it’s always a struggle and every time you think your life perfect life throws in a wrench to make you pick up pieces and start again

Speaking of wrenches, my father in law almost died last night!! 🤔 Maybe I should make this a post. He is diabetic and doesn’t take care of himself as good as he should. He called his wife at 3:30 in the morning last night. Didn’t say anything, she went into the room and realized his sugars were down. She went into action stabilizing him. He was so off he didn’t even recognize her. It’s a miracle he called, her it’s a miracle she answered. (She’s a deep sleeper) anyways that would have been tragic for him, her, but selfishly it would have really disrupt my family as well!!

Glad your not losing sleep anymore! I’m shorts at a crossroads right about now in my life. I need to find a better and more consistent way to make $$. I just haven’t had a “job” in a while. I don’t know what I want to do. Most jobs I feel are beneath me, (which really isn’t a good attitude to have. So a change is coming, I just like change much. But my trading is doing as well as I’d hoped. So I’m gonna have to do something!!

I understand your comment more, feel free to give me “shit” in the future! 😂😂 I’ll try not to be so sensitive!! 😂😂

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But i like Dogecoin 😆😆

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Hi hi.. Nice to meet u..

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