RE: Four Years Ago Today

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Four Years Ago Today

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Doubtful he will ever receive any clemency unless the entire system is completely overhauled.
But as a former convict myself I can tell u the entire thing is Bullshit. Kangaroo trial and 3 years just like that.
I get so fucking mad that this shit is still going on and the everyday yuppie ma and pa doushes who follow all the rules think everything is all puppies and roses.
I don't know how we bring this fucking thing down but it has to happen.
I am currently trying to put myself in a position where I don't use the gov for anything. but as long as people continue to leach off the gov for welfare and housing and the right to marry and everything else they will keep up their attacks on whatever they can. that being whatever is illegal or whatever public opinion deems unsavory like cigarettes.
I honestly don't see it ever ending as long as useless ass people need the gov and pussy ass people demand the gov do everything for them. It's gonna have to be up to us free thinkers to put ourselves in the best positions possible as to be untouchable by govs geographically, monetarily, energy independent and militarily.

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Welfare is important. What if you are a mother and lose your husband and have 2 children and get a depression? Do you think there will come a stranger and give money? Nobody here borrowed or helped me when I was on the street and I told 15000 people about bitshares and steemit. Words are easy to say. Reality is a big difference than talking.