world's largest bitcoin exchange

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

world's largest bitcoin exchange enters Europe
Luxembourg city the world's largest bitcoin exchange bitflyer has just announced its lauch into europe. the tokyo-based operator has been granted a payment insitution lilicence by luxembourg's financial watchdog, the commission de surveillance du secteur Financier CSSF to operate in the european union the luxembourg times reported
after tuesday announcement the company has become the first bitcoin exchange to be regulated in japan the US and Europe.
Around 25% of worldwide bitcoin exchange volumes are being facilitated by bitflyer, and more than $250 billion in virtual currency was traded on its platform in 2017 according to a statement by the operator
the company will be based at the luxembourg house of financial technology foundbbbb.jpgation
luxembourg's finance minister pierre gramegna said he was delighted that one of the most successful japanese startups chose luxembourg as their EU platform

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great news for bitcoin

good news for btc this will give boom to btc

Bitcoin just keeps on growing and growing.

Good information... thanks👍👍👍👍👍👍@malkoo45

Does Bitflyer have their own exchange token?