6 Reasons Why You Need A WHY Statement

in bitcoin •  3 years ago 

The majority of people are unaware of their ultimate purpose in life. Some folks simply don't give a damn about this and are content to float through life and "go with the flow." Others are concerned about it, but they are unable to pinpoint their true calling in life. So, let me give you six justifications for why writing a WHY statement is essential.

  1. It will make it clear what your life's mission is.
    You will wind yourself doing things that you truly don't want to if you don't know what your genuine life's mission is. There are a lot of people who have to work at jobs they despise in order to make ends meet. They constantly feel uneasy on Sunday nights and dread Monday mornings. You shouldn't conduct your life in this manner.
    You can take steps to fulfil this when you are aware of your genuine mission in life. You'll feel more confident and be able to find a career that fits your purpose. Every day, you'll feel more energised and motivated.

  2. A WHY Statement Sharpens your Focus
    Setting goals that you are not fully committed to is simple when your life lacks the proper focus. Many people adopt the same aims as their friends and other influential persons in their lives by copying them. Since we are all unique, this rarely turns out nicely.
    The clarity that comes from knowing what you actually want your life to be about makes planning your next steps much simpler. You can use your WHY statement to motivate yourself each day and realise the goals that are most important to you.

  3. You will make the Right Decisions
    Have you ever made wrong decisions in your life? Of course you have we have all done that. When you have a strong and compelling WHY statement it will help you to make much better decisions in life.
    A lot of decisions have serious consequences and if you don’t know your true purpose then you can dismiss these consequences in exchange for short term pleasure or gain. With a good WHY statement you will assess the long term consequences and be able to make better decisions.

  4. It Provides more Accountability
    People that have no purpose in life tend to shy away from accountability. They are just happy to drift along but then complain bitterly when things go against them. It is never their fault of course and always someone else’s.
    With a powerful WHY statement you will know where you are going in life and be accountable for this. You will think things through more and only take action where it aligns with your WHY statement. This additional accountability will make you a better person.

  5. You will be Healthier and Happier
    This is the reason to pick if you only want to think about one of these in order to have a strong WHY statement. Your wellbeing and health are the most important things in life. You tend to be healthier when you're joyful. Your resistance will be lower if you're unhappy, and you may develop a variety of health problems.

  6. Your Resilience will Increase
    Everybody has difficulties throughout life. Some people find these issues to be too challenging to handle, which causes them to feel worried and overburdened. You can perceive these issues as opportunities for you to develop and find fulfilment in your life when you have a strong WHY statement.


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