UPDATES PLUS! JPM Warns On Bitcoin Collapse. Silver Takes Off. Mannarino

in bitcoin •  4 years ago 


Gregory Mannarino

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Thanks again for keeping informed with the @marketreport, Gregory. I hope jp morgan doesn't get the percentage win, that they are over-due-for. BYOCB!

Thanks again for keeping us updated, with the @marketreport, Gregory, BYOCB!

thank you very much for sharing the news, have a good day

Your report is very useful to us. Thankyou for sharing.

thank you very much for sharing the information,have a great day and have a great mood

I'm guessing that JP Morgan is ignorant, lying, manipulating, spreading fear or has some other agenda.

that's pretty cool to know...

thank you for sharing the news, have a nice day

Thanks for your important updates.plz keep it up.

The way am seeing bitcoin now ,it iwill experience a major correction which may lead to serious damage to its price

people who are not yet in the cryptocurrency market could enter now, there are many projects and BTC will have declines that they will be able to take advantage of, even those of us who are already in this market, is my opinion.

Thanks to providing your important updates.

Thank you for this update.

thanks greg, shared

Big financial institutions looking for some more BTC to buy on the cheap. There are some weak hands out there that read this crap and actually belive it... poor souls

Again thankyou for your important update. Your post is always great.

Thanks for your important opinion, I appreciate your work.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment