Good job mate! As for the market going sideways though, without looking I'd guess it's a mixture of:
- Folks holding onto fiat for now instead of buying, just in case
- Cause: ”Flippening” FUD and sensationalism
- Effect: Diminished buying → sellers lower prices in response → buyer’s market created
- Noobs who just bought in recently after the huge Q2 ’17 alt-coin hike panic-selling
- Cause: See problem #1… !
- Effect: Problems #1 and #2 compounding each other
It should be held up by the smart people who realise that certain alt-coins being 25% down in 24h means they can potentially grab 33% more than they could have grabbed yesterday.
We’ll see what happens... Personally I hope the global market cap goes down 50% so I can go on a bargain basement run before August! 😂