in bitcoin •  8 years ago 



Symbol: HTML5 or </>
Membership: Htmlcoin Community Member or Htmlcoiner.
Language Usage: I have 10 htmlcoin. I got paid yesterday with 250 htmlcoin (long version). I got paid for 150 html (short version).

Code Base: A hybrid of Bitcoin and Ethereum
Premine: Coin Swap / Exchange Deficit / Development Fund / 5% Degree of Tolerance
PoW Reward: 2,500 coins per block
Max PoW Coins: 90 Billion
PoS Reward: 2% Annual
Proof: PoW / PoS
Hash: NeoScrypt (GPU mining)
Difficulty: Enhanced Hash Rate Compensation
Security: Real Time Checkpointing
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Block size: 1Mb
Networking: UPNP/IPv4/IPv6
QR Code: Generate codes for addresses


More advanced version of Percival’s Scrypt addressing numerous disadvantages

Real Time Checkpointing

Protects the history of the chain from being changed by 51% attacks, broadcasts block height and hash of the main chain that cannot be overwritten.

Enhanced Hash Rate Compensation

Adjust every 120 blocks but with short, medium and long block time samples to average out the adjust and apply 25% damping to the result.

Hybrid Bitcoin / Ethereum

Uses both the Bitcoin and Ethereum codebase, this combines Bitcoin with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machines).

Smart Contracts

Protocol to facilitate, verify or enforce negotiation or performance of a contract.

Simple Payment Verification

Execute smart contracts from lite wallets.

Decentralized Applications

Window to the distributed New HTMLCOIN network to be able to create smart contracts and other more fully fledged complex EVM apps. Greatly extends the network's capabilities.

Account Abstraction Layer

Qtum’s extension to Bitcoins ‘Script’ language, sits between the blockchain and EVM and allows decentralised applications and smart contracts to run in environments that were not possible before.

HTML5coin really done, epic upgrade H5

PROOF oF DEVELOPER 5- Star rated

Ready to fly with HTML5COIN . 3 year old coin trust
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This is for real?

Yap (htmlcoin swap gen2) swap still not done . waiting for 75% complete old coin available in exchange