Shivom world’s largest blockchain powered digital genome and healthcare total solution with tokenize cryptocurrency

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

At present advanced technology of modern science and technology has potential to improve the digital ecosystem. The genomics, artificial intelligence as well as blockchain is the significant invention of modern science and technology. These advance technologies have reched the potential to significantly improve the digital ecosystem. Now for this modern science and technology, the digital ecosystem is introducing globally different type of platform of different product and service. Now the blockchain technology is reducing the centralize system from the digital ecosystem and including decentralize system with added opportunity and benefits. As a result investor of the digital ecosystem is getting interest to invest in the digital ecosystem of the cryptocurrency world. This modern science and technology is also making historical change in the medical sector of the digital ecosystem. The Shivom is one of these platforms.


The Shivom is a genomics, artificial intelligence as well as blockchain technological platform in the digital ecosystem. This platform’s genomes have decreased considerably over the past twenty years all over the world. This platform planned to build world’s largest blockchain powered digital genome repository. We can know more detail about this platform from their web site. There web site link is where we can visit any time for any information about this platform. This platform is offering OMX token form the public interest in the ICO event of this platform. This platform is aiming to provide incentives as well as opportunities to reward all those participants of the ICO event in their ecosystem. We can know more about the ICO event of this platform from their white paper link. Their white paper link is We can participate in their ICO event of token sell event.

Solution of healthcare system of Shivom platform:
At present existing healthcare system is broken and not trustable. They are not using blockchain technology in their platform where data are not stored and cannot be recoverable. In the existing healthcare data service, their data base soloed and store in verity formats as well as in disparate databases which is not available for society’s benegits and medical needs. An estimated nine out of ten drug or biologics tested in humans are never submitted to FOA for approval according to the US Food and Drug Administration. This platform believe that the medical centers from all over the world as well as individuals from all over the world if fully share their genomic data than this data would be more valuable and useful for the collective data and consequently research and development as well we clinical trials. Although the existing healthcare have higher costs as well as relatively poor economies of scale. The Shivom platform is giving opportunity to the user of this platform by low cost and giving rich economies of scale and opportunity with financial benefits. This platform is significantly improving clinical trial outcomes as well as further development and adoption of precision medicines. The centralize system of the existing healthcare system is centralize which is allowing multiple points of access and failure as evidenced by routine reports of data hacks as well as breaches globally. On the other hand, the Shivom platform is a decentralized blockchain technological platform where hacking and breaches are impossible. This platform is giving easy accessible system of database of healthcare system which can be understood by all users as well as stakeholders. This platform is allowing for the upload and addition of new genomic data for all. The existing healthcare system has poor security practices as well as protocol where lack sufficient access and control to their own sensitive data and electronic healthcare records. This platform is giving smart contract of security for the practices as well protocols where participants have sufficient access and control to their own sensitive personal data as well as electronic healthcare records.
Major achievements of the Shivom platform:
The Shivom is the global genomic blockchain technological ecosystem platform. This platform is already planned to offer an open blockchain technological based genomics database alongside which is a web hub market place as well as innovation hub system in the digital ecosystem. This platform is offering OMX token form the public interest in the ICO event of this platform. This platform is aiming to provide incentives as well as opportunities to reward all those participants of the ICO event in their ecosystem. They have already achieved many things as a Shivom platform. Their major achievements are given below:
• The Indian government of Andhra Pradesh and the Shivom platform signs MOU (Memorandum of understanding).
• The former prime minister of Estonia Taavi Roivas has been already joined as a member of Shivom’s innovation council which is a big achievement of this platform.
• This platform has already raised $ 25 million in the private round of the token sale event.
• This platform already formally announced its strategic alliance with Genetic Technologies Limited which is a diversified molecular diagnostics company.
• They have already established strategic technical partner with Ocean Protocol as well as Spherity protocol.
• They have been already announced publicly the Shivom innovation council globally.
• They have twitter and telegram community which has 46 K+ and 70 K+ response respectively.
The Shivom platform’s token detail:
The Shivom is a blockchain technology base tokenize cryptocurrency platform. It is the global genomic blockchain technological ecosystem platform. This platform is already planned to offer an open blockchain technological based genomics database. They have created OMX token as tokenize cryptocurrency of this platform. Their total token supply is 3 billion tokens. This platform’s total tokens for crowd sale are 990 million. They are offering 1 ETH = 7, 000 OMX tokens. Their soft cap is 20, 000 ETH which already achieved and hard cap is 75, 000 ETH.
After all the above explanation we can say, the Shivom is a blockchain technological platform for genomes data and healthcare service with the tokenize cryptocurrency. There web site link is where we can visit any time for any information about this platform.
To know some more about the project SHIVOM please visit the following links,
• Company Website:
• Whitepaper Link:
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This document is huge informative document of the Shivom platform. We can know from this document about these platforms significant benefits with detail of ICO event of the platform.