in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin of America Opening New BTMs in 5 Major U.S. Cities.

Bitcoin of America is registerned with the United States Department of the Treasury as a money services business and operates as a virtual currency exchange. In short, they help members of the public to purchase and sell digital currencies like Bitcoin without an intermediary. The company operates within both Federal and State laws that govern these types of transactions. In order to provide safe services for their clients, they have adopted Anti- Money Laundering policies and employ a Know Your Customer Policy to prevent and mitigate possible risk and violations. They currently operate in 39 states and are working toward expanding their services nationwide in the near future.

Cleveland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.will be the cities where the new BTM machines will be installed, in addition to currently available BTMs in Cleveland and Los Angeles.
BTMs are designed to allow regular people to buy and sell digital currencies like Bitcoin without the need for an intermediary. Bitcoin of America already operates 32 BTMs in St. Louis, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, Detroit, Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago, and Baltimore.

Please check out the full article here:

Article is from, Images from GoogleImages.

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Thats quite a development . Thanks for putting light on this

thanks dear, for share such type of informative post.
@upvote & @resteem done

You’re very welcome. Thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Happy day friend @melip, thanks for this important news excellent information @upvote&@reteem

Thank you Betania.

Really a great news my friend

Yeah, this is a great time to be alive 😊

Hello friend, if that seems to be the BITCOIN has won a lot of territory in the USA, that's good news thanks for sharing @MELIP

No problem Glorimar. Thanks for your support at all times.

Thanks for sharing about bitcoin @melip

good news. thanks for share.
@upvote & resteem done

Bitcoin of America Opening New BTMs in 5 Major U.S. Cities.
Really a big news bro

Huge. The US has adopted really well to Crypto in general.

Awesome. Thx for the Information.

good news dear..@melip
thank you so much...
@resteem done

thanks for giving information about bitcoin dear @melip
upvoted & @resteemed

Interesante iniciativa esa. Sin duda tiene amplio margen de crecimiento de no ser limitada por el amigo Trump.

Asi es @melip cada dia que pasa las Criptomonedas irán ganando cada vez mas espacio dentro del mercado Americano y mundial

Excellent publication I will take you into account. Thanks greetings

nice information about bitcoin..
thanks a lot dear @melip
@upvoted & @resteemed

nice & informative one dear @melip
@upvoted & @resteemed

really very good information thanks for very useful post @melip

Excelente publicación lo tomare en cuenta gracias . Soy nueva en esta plataforma. Feliz día

excelente publicacion , gracias por la informacion . Soy nueva en la plataforma .Saludos

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this is a amazing news and very nice post i really love your all post dear i just @resteem and #upvote