This debate shows perfectly that many people simply don't get what the value of Bitcoin is. Peter Schiff as well as Jeffrey Tucker think that a 'better' cryptocurrency will displace Bitcoin, this is simply not true.
The enormous value in Bitcoin comes from the fact that the Network timestamps the truth where millions agree on in a trustless way in the global unhackable ledger every ten minutes and when owning a Bitcoin you own a 21.000.000th share of the total output of this 'incredible powerful machine' (quite valuable in times of corruption and failure of institutions I would suggest). This also makes me believe that you CAN value Bitcoin by summing up the value of all the trusted entities to be replaced and divide it by 21.000.000 (thus heavily undervalued ATM)
There are many different use cases and many more will come. Users will need to buy a part of this total output to use the system, and since the supply is artificially limited this will create a market to include the most important use cases and push up the price. This machine has grown over the last ten year and created a very positive track record and network effect.
It is simply not possible to create a better Bitcoin overnight because it is impossible to recreate the infrastructure, network effect and branding (good luck displacing Mc. Donalds when you can make a better burger Peter) without spending years. Fast and cheap transactions or fancy features don't matter, the important thing is the secure timestamp every ten minutes (and BTC is far ahead on this issue) and 'better' features can be build on top of this.
It is sad that an amazing economist as Peter Schiff is denying that Bitcoin is useful and thus valuable will miss out (and make many others miss out) on this monetary revolution. In a few years he will support the value of my 'speculative' investment by topping up his browser with BTC without even knowing it because the UI tells him it is USD LOL.
Anthem Blanchard was really the only one who understand Bitcoin and in my opinion he should be the clear winner. Please next time don't put a Bcasher in a Bitcoin debate because they simply don't get it.