To the MOON !! BitCoin STILL climbing at $2,800 - Guess who's not sleeping tonight?steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Wow, I am shocked. I thought for sure that bear market was still strong.

And it may be, for Ethereum - but BTC with Segwit signaled at 92.3% at the moment, see: -- we are looking onward and upward.


I seriously love Steemit, and Cryptocurrency - and being on Steemit the past few months, I've learned so much, conversed with people all over the world, and made some money doing it.

I'm really and continuously impressed by both. I hope to someday see BTC at $500K and STEEM would then be at over $100 / each. What do we think, Steemit?

Is this a possibility?

Have a wonderful day :)


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Steemit can only get more and more popular, Steem will soar!

hello @clintjunior ! I think so too!

Reddit nowadays feels more like Google News :P

Yes of course it is likely @mikev !

Hey @gabyen3d - well that's awesome. I just transferred some of my DASH from Genesis Mining for more STEEM :) I think STEEM is more likely to double before DASH

OMG if That would happen, we would need to throw a BIG early adaptors party