40 interesting facts about Bitcoin

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Satoshi Nakamoto - alias bitcoin Creator. The whole world is lost in the mysteries of his true identity. Satoshi did bitcoin in the 2008th year.

Every day there is about 3600 new Bitcoins. Coins are the result of a process called "mining".

The first Bitcoin-transaction took place on January 21, 2009. Satoshi moved another 100 BTC tsiferpanku and cryptography named Hal Finney (Hal Finney)

To undertake a large number of attempts to reveal the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but so far without results. The latest version has caused a great stir, but it was quickly disproved.

For 5 years, the price of Bitcoin has grown from $ 0 to $ 1,000.

The first million Bitcoins is sourced personally Satoshi and, apparently, still belongs to him. Researchers are still attempting to find wallets Nakamoto, to get on his trail, but Satoshi keeps calm.

In 2140 it will be produced last Bitcoin.

21 million - it is as the maximum number of Bitcoins that will ever mined. Today already produced about 12 million. The algorithm reduces the amount of extraction of coins found in 2 times every few years so uneven process.

Attempts have been made to create the physical equivalent of Bitcoin (in the form of coins). In fact Casascius - it is nothing like "cold wallets" printed on them holographic access code key only cast in the form factor of the coin. That coin Casascius we see all these beautiful photos with "coins" Bitcoin.

Dwarf island jurisdiction of Alderney, also announced plans to stamping physical equivalents of Bitcoin.

Only 36% of produced coins were seen in any transaction. The remaining 64% after its introduction has yet not been used even once.

Unlike physical money, the whole history of moving any funds from one account to another, permanently sealed inside Blockchain - global and distributed completely open database containing details of all Bitcoin-wallets worldwide.

In the current code Bitcoin 77 thousand. Lines of code, of which 70 thousand are written in C ++. And in the very first working version numbered 0.1.0 it was only a 14-thousand. Lines of code in C ++. This is a very small project by today's standards. For example, in the Linux kernel code has more than 15 million lines of code.

Bloomberg journalist who is not familiar with the safety regulations Bitcoin, inadvertently revealed the private key (in the form of a QR-code) your Bitcoin wallet-live. For that immediately paid the price - his money was stolen by one of the audience, but then, according to rumors, the money was returned to the journalist.

UK resident named James Houels inadvertently threw a hard drive with a key from the wallet, which was (and probably still is) 7500 Bitcoins. It is about 5 million dollars at the current rate.

When the pressure states cut off WikiLeaks donations via bank transfer, the site instantly switched to receive donations in Bitcoins.

The guy from Norway named Christopher Koch, bought the Bitcoins in the year 2009 at $ 27 and forgotten about them, and when he remembered, his investment has risen to 886 thousand dollars.

The first Bitcoin-ATM was installed in the Canadian city of Vancouver.

The first institution of higher education in the world, receiving payment in Bitcoin, was the University of Cyprus. In our country can be considered as such High School by producer and writers in St. Petersburg.

Thailand became the first country in the world to ban Bitcoin (but allowed back).

The biggest drop Bitcoin rate by 80% for 24 hours occurred in April 2013..

In September 2013, a certain amount of mixed input fields and encouraging the transfer and as a result sent 0.01 BTC, while paying 80.99 BTC per transaction (about $ 50 thousand.).

After information about the sharp rise in inflation in Argentina sharply risen in popularity Bitcoin. Any games tsentrabankov with courses of national currencies contribute to the growth needs of the population in savings funds using cryptocurrency. For example, the Kazakhs even asked to be patriots and not vladyvat in Bitcoin.

In November 2013, the price of Bitcoin has exceeded for the first time the price of gold.

A year after the launch of the project Bitcoin 1 BTC could be bought for 4 cents.

The first commercial success can be considered Bitcoin Silk Road. On this site, work in TOR network, you can buy a variety of illegal goods, drugs and weapons. Bitcoin, because of its anonymous nature, was the only means of payment within the Silk Road.

Ross Ulbricht, the creator of Silk Road, a network existed under the pseudonym Pirate Roberts. At the time, the famous pirate that has long been elusive.

Inside the Silk Road business revolves around 5% of Bitcoins in existence at that time.

It is believed that the authorities have managed to confiscate only 20% of all Bitcoin present in purses controlled Ulbricht. Keys for access to the remaining 80% of the funds are likely to be in a safe place.

Ulbricht arresting and confiscating funds and the FBI became the owner of the largest purse in the world.

927 people own 50% of all Bitcoin.

Lamborghini was the first automotive company in the world, which dealers began to accept Bitcoin.

Skycraft Airplanes were the first to sell planes for Bitcoins.

Pizza, bought in 2010 for Bitcoins at today's exchange rate would cost $ 5 million.

Mel B from the group Spice Girls became the first star of the show business, the host for the Bitcoin address. And our stars, meanwhile, is not even aware of all that is e-mail.

For bitkony soon it will be possible to fly into space.

More than $ 200 million - that is the amount of money used in transactions Bitcoin network every day. Turnover Bitcoin network has recently surpassed Western Union circulation. By capitalizing on this point in the 8 billion. Dollars, Bitcoin is only slightly inferior to the annual GDP of a country like Estonia.

Bitcoin addition there are over 150 various other cryptocurrency. Create your cryptocurrency can now each.

Bitcoin can earn just by playing Counter Strike. The largest prize pool in the history of Starcraft 2 has also been gathered through Bitcoin.

The largest number of active Bitcoin network nodes located in the US, which is by far ahead of the nearest competitor - Canada, Europe and China.

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