I announced a week ago about upcoming crypto-series.
I have noticed that I am struggling a lot on the BFS (Breadth First Search). I have thought of why, for a while. The reason is that I have a "hard" time categorizing the articles I read. For instance, where does it fit technically, in Bitcoin or in the crypto space.
Some people get out of this rut, by sticking in there, while slowly mapping them out. But a whole lot of us, read a bunch of crypto articles then get lost and confused.
My current solution is to use old fashion mind-maps.
Right now, I am using Graphiz. It allows fast edits, fast builds, and it is super scalable.
An example of something that would annoying, would be a software GUI where you would God forbid, "drag and draw".
My first shot at this is "an intro to bitcoin" mindmap.
You can contribute to it on Github. This is an experiment, I will make more of them if I feel like they are useful to others.