Like Peter the Great, when speaking of the traditional pastlings of his day, " drag them kicking and screaming into the future if I Have too!."
We have folks in the crypto community who seem to relish the days of a 10 dollar bitcoin and almost invisible Ethereum and Litecoin. They fail to realize that you do not sell the steak until you sell the sizzle!
Whether it is ethereums creator lamenting about the good ole days of utopian euphoria or litecoin founders somehow thinking that a 10 dollar stable litecoin ( that NEVER EXISTED) is better for crypto than a 300 dollar one, the reality is that only a dynamic publicity can hope to bring bitcoin and other cryptos kicking and screaming into the world of decentralized commerce. A decentralized network is interesting but a decentralized business world is fantastic and something to be striven for. Even at the expense of the idols of yesterday. The problem I think most of these folks have is they do not understand that when a community with hyper deflationary money confronts a hyper inflationary economy there will be an explosion but when the dust settles only those who possess value will be left standing. Those who have not been tethered to the past will be able to rise into the future.
BITCOIN , Litecoin and other cryptos need to be visually appetizing and even a little dangerous. They need to offer escapism and romantic goals of independence. They need to offer the millionaire a challenge and the pauper hope!
The idea of being able to be truly FREE from the constraints and the corruptions of the "Money Changers".
These crypto ideas may have been perfected in Asia but if they are going to succeed they need to offer the world the opportunity of the rugged American individualism of the past that modern globalist are terrified of.
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt
Jonesborough Tennessee Courthouse Steps!