A Ledger X Bitcoin Contract is Still Pegged for $50K Amid This Week’s Price Decline

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

It predicts that the cost of bitcoin will be $ 50,000 by December 28, 2018. This price has seen a better day that an unidentified trader has bought a contract for the use of these laser X options market, since then, when prices increased by $ 6,000 this week for $ 13,000, prices have increased. The price of this bitcoin has declined in this region after reaching record highs in US $ 19 USD.

This ledger X Trader pays $ 1m on the bitcoin-based futures contract for $ 50,000 for 01 December, 2018.

This merchant was probably a hedge fund and financial institution.

source - https://news.bitcoin.com/a-ledger-x-bitcoin-contract-is-pegged-for-50k-amid-this-weeks-price-decline/

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