Show - Roger Ver - Weekly Bitcoin Roundup | episode 4

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin News, Bitcoin Gold Hacked?! Samson Mow Needs SEC! || Weekly (Roger Ver) - Official Channel
Published on May 26, 2018

Nandibear's thoughts on Episode 4:

I agree that the DOJ (US Dept. of Justice) should be focusing on crimes with real victims (not ICO investors).

Also I was happy to hear Gavin Andresen's name mentioned although saddened by his recent statement that he would no longer be doing public interviews. It is understandable though considering all of the never ending attacks made by Bitcoin Core supporters/maniacs.

It was great to hear the wallet mentioned, it's an exceptionally straightforward and secure wallet. Moreover, as Roger states, the wallet supports both Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC), so if you try both coins it will become very clear to you that Bitcoin Cash is MUCH BETTER!

The TX Highway (Live Bitcoin Cash vs Bitcoin Core Transaction Visualizer) website with 32 lanes now is pretty cool! nandi bear luke

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Such an analytic explanation. Sir i agree with you that is the most secure and private wallet as personal informations are always safe. It also supports Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core thats great. I appreciate Mr. Roger Ver's valuable show. Thanks sir @nandibear for sharing with us.

Hey @msena, you're very welcome. And thanks for taking the time to review Roger's weekly video and to share your thoughts on it. I'm glad that you like the wallet too!

Thank you sir.

That's a good review on Bitcoin wallet,,I think Bittrex is a good website ..Thanks for sharing,,,,

Hi @nishuxr, no problem I'm happy to share. I'm that you like the wallet!

Hi @nandibear,,
That's cloud mining contracts is awesome..I hope you will keep a better role on this,,

yeah,,Thanks @nandibear for vote

awesome video,,I like it,,@nandibear..
Thanks for sharing..

I searched it,,
This is awesome site @nandibear,,
Thanks for sharing,,

Post yang sangat bagus tentang bitcoin,saya sangat suka post bapak,salam pak

Terimakasih pak,saya akan tunggu post bapak selanjutnya

Nice video @nandibear..Bitcoin Gold hacked??
I appreciate with you,,Bitcoin Cash is much better..

Oww..That's a bad news,,,
Thanks for giving this site link,,,
Cloud mining site is good,,

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


Hey @mishuxr, thanks for stopping and for you thoughts regarding Bitcoin Cash!

As for Bitcoin Gold, there was a 51% attack. You can read more about it here:

Terimakasih telah berbagi pak @nandibear ,
Saya menunggu postingan berikut nya .

English language reply: @pakwa.cungkrieng, No problem, I'm happy to share! I hope that you enjoyed the 4th episode of Roger Ver's weekly show.

Indonesian language reply: @pakwa.cungkrieng, Tidak masalah, saya senang berbagi! Saya harap Anda menikmati episode ke 4 dari acara mingguan Roger Ver.

Saya menunggu di postingan berikut nya pak @nandibear

That's a nice video,,Roger ver is a good person..
Thanks for sharing..

Bitcoin wallet safety is also needy..Hacked!!!!
Thanks again

Hi @nandibear,,That's the another share,,Have a good day!!!
This video also so valuable ..i searched your cloud mining site,,This also cool!!!
Thanks for sharing

That is a awesome article,,Bitcoin wallet is a good site,,
Bitcoin cash also..
Thanks for sharing,,

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