Get 1% daily lifelong
Westland Storage offers you to become a share owner of real estate around the world. Buy square feet of real estate and get a daily profit from their lease.
It's simple
The investor transfers funds to WLS Company. We acquire real estate and rent it out. And the we pay part of the profit in the form of daily dividends, amounting to 1% of the investment.
Tabla de Contenidos
1 WestlandStorage Coins
2 ¿Cómo funciona el almacenamiento de Westland?
3 ¿Qué es el ICO en Westland Storage?
4 ¿Quién está detrás de Westland Storage?
5 Que Ofrece Westland Storage
6 Programa Bounty WLS
6.1 ¿Qué es la recompensa?
7 AIRDROP Wsland Storage WLS Tokens GRATIS.