Andreas Antonopoulos just responded to my tweet about contribution which I made via Steem and Utopian :)

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)


Ok, lets start from the beginning :) I hope, that I do not have to explain to you who Andreas Antonopoulos is - but in case you do not know, he is very well known Bitcoin advocate, who visited few dozens of countries to give talks which explains Bitcoin and why Bitcoin and Blockchain are so important!

What contribution did I make?

Well, over a year ago I had this idea, to not only gather all videos of Andreas in one place (on account @andreas-m-videos), but basically help educate people and build awareness about blockchain technology. Andreas is my idol. He was the inspiration to many of my talks, and as well he was always a great source of knowledge.

I wanted to help him spread the knowledge, which he captured so greatly in his talks. Videos from his youtube channel has been already listened by millions of people around the world. What difference can I make?


What number can I add to this views counter? Well... instead of adding, I started to thinking how this can be multiplied :)


I decided to start a project, with simple goal:

Translate all best videos made by Andreas
to the most popular languages of the world!

Plan (already in progress)

  1. Do not translate subtitles to his videos alone - I can only speak Polish and English
  2. Find skilled professional translators, which would like participate in such project in long term
  3. Try first with one language, to test the whole process
    3.1. I decided to start with Polish translations, because I was able to review on my own, publish them and submit to Andreas, knowing that they are good.
  4. Use earned STEEM and SBD, to pay for next professional translations
  5. Find more people, which would like to cooperate with me, to review translated subtitles of his videos to more languages! :)
  6. If there are professional translators among Steemians, maybe even start to cooperate with them, paying them for their translations, instead paying some private company

So far I managed translations of 3 videos to Polish and more are coming soon:

Next step? You!

I am looking for people, which would like to work with me, which would be responsible for reviewing and correcting newly translated subtitles in Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.

Right now I am looking for volunteers, which like me, would like to work pro publico bono on this project.

I am not sure, whether working on this project for free is 100% sustainable - even reviewing translated subtitles, writing posts about it to post to Utopian, promoting such materials outside of Steem - this all takes me around 3 hours per video.

At the beginning, I wasn't sure, whether I would be able to even cover the cost of translations which I have paid for in advance. There is a possibility, that if posts about those translations will earn a lot, that there will be a small reward for all people involved as well.

Possible outcomes

First of all, those translated videos have great value for everyone involved in crypto-space. But the great thing is... that doing something cool, we can show to the people, that Steem community can do awesome things, not only for Steem, but for all people!

Whenever I've published an information that Steem community helped translate videos of Andreas, a reaction of people are always the same:


In my opinion, this might be a good way to create great relationship between Bitcoin community and Steem community :)

I would not lie, that one of my goals is to help Andreas change his mind about Steem. This is what he currently things about it:

At the beginning he was an advocate of Bitcoin, after a while Ethereum also got his interest (he is writing a book about Ethereum right now).

Currently thanks to tweet above, we already know, that Andreas knows about us! Now we should just prove how effective and extremely useful we can be for him and for all people which would like to learn more about Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies

I do not see the reason, why because of this project, he would not be able to change a mind about the usefulness of Steem. Maybe he will even join Steem, to say thank you for those translations :)

If you would like to cooperate with me on this project, please write a comment how you could help and please contact me at

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From that video it seems like maybe Andreas didn't know too much about STEEM, as he didn't go into any specifics. I hope you can inform him and change his mind!

Now that would be nice!

Now that is a project worth doing, Andreas Antonopoulos explains cryptocurrency in a way that helps people new to the space understand. Now to get him on Steemit!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is fantastic.

Yup, it really is, so worth it.

Guys i just bumped into this account and it was created in December.

Please guys confirm to me and the Steemit Community that it is Andreas himself or this is an impersonator(everything is about Andreas;books and videos on this account)

The account is here guys @aantonopoulos
This is the latest post below and its a dtube video of Andreas himself,check out!

I will be waiting for your confirmation guys!.

No it's not him I think (see first post):

aantonopoulos (43)in bitcoin • 2 months ago

Decentralization and the Architecture of Trust - Andreas M. Antonopoulos
In this talk, Andreas explores the context in which Bitcoin matters, how decentralization and open blockchains as a…
37 2

but I asked him on Twitter

Thanks for the reply

This other account looks more real:

What a great project. Unfortunately I do not speak other languages. I do wish you luck though!!

WOW! Nice!!

That's crazy. I can't imagine one of my idols responding to one of my tweets

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great, indeed I was thinking to go beyond Steem too!

This fall I already proposed to make subtitles to our hangouts and @chuckyfucky translated some of them to Spanish. So I created a how to on how to let YouTube transcribe videos automagically which can be translated much easier! There's a whole history of it on my blog with technical help.

@alexpmorris also wrote a program to merge subtitles from mutliple speakers which we recorded in multitrack!

NB: I upvote myself just for visibility...

Hey @chuckyfucky and @alexpmorris, if you ever need any help with Spanish translations, I'd love to contribute

It's nice to see you helping to share Andreas's work he is one of the best minds in this space for explaining tech I'm also surprised that he is not on steemit, but then it's not all about the money :)

NB: I tacked myself onto your post for visibility ;)

unless @nutela started working on another project I don't know about, it's not for Andreas' work, but for the Beyond BitCoin Show, hosted by @officialfuzzy which actually focuses on bringing awareness to the crypto community as to the tremendous advantages offered by graphene-related chains such as STEEM, BitShares, and the upcoming EOS platform as well!

Feel free to come by and check it out, next episode is tonight at 8pm EST!

Hehe I meant going beyond our Steem community to tell the world we are the first Social netWork where you can earn a living by helping others!

Well then double thumbs up for you then :D as I'm currently travelling the world telling everyone I meet about steemit too

Wow! I'm not so keen on Steem yet because of the distribution and #SMT copycat but I love #BitShares, that's my new bank. And I'd love to see shops or farmer's markets use bitUSD, bitEur, bitCNY currencies! I believe Alipay will use bitCNY

I would lo-lo-love to help out with the Spanish translation! Andreas got me into this new world and I'd love to contribute anyway I can, I teach languages and translate for a living.

You are a lucky guy dude!

I have never heard of him .... but i'm new to the space.

Good job man! I look up to people that are promoting Steemit.

This is truly helping the community. And Andreas is one of the best if not the best educator when it comes to Bitcoin and the blockchain

AA is a great guy! I love listening to him. So smart...

I couldn't agree more to everything you're saying, but I'm still new to bitcoin community and Steemit community. Well I hope to be of more help as time goes on


@noicy , I think he we can't do anything at this time , he is really convinced that time will tell and i guess he is right ,only time will tell the community had made it this far without any ext-anal influence we ought to give steemit time to grow naturally then everything else fall in place.

Smart.everyone will learn.thanks for sharing.keep it up.

Congrats noisy! Proud of u bro :D

This post happens to be the first post i have heard of Andreas Antonopoulos, Am going to do more research about him. Thanks for this eye opening post.

Follow him on Twitter

I'll do it. Thanks for this

I am ready to work with you, and lets involve this idea of yours to the up most height.

Good job friend I really appreciate the fact how you are promoting steem keep the good work stay blessed!

This is awesome! I have been following Andreas for a while and it would be cool if he got on this platform! Imagine having videos and blog posts coming from him everyday, would be great information, as well as updated information from a popular figure in this space.

Who is Andrea? I am a new member on steemit how do i make money and impact lives here

Thank you for this, Yes Andreas's content is spread out and not easy to find. I am a massive fan of his as well. Always has great great information. I will follow you now.

post a very nice .. job is perfect, good for you

Increible, muy bueno.


Great post , I will watch some videos from Andreas Antonopoulos , I didn´t knew him but I would love to learn more about blockchain so thanks for the tip!

If you have more tips were I can learn more about it , please let me know

He knows loads about Bitcoin, I've watched a few of his videos.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Start with me

Hello @noisy I am from Mexico I can review your translations in spanish

I will contact you in few days :) Where I can reach you?, discord?

As you prefer, I have both :)

Very kind!

I did a small upvote to help your effort. Good initiative.

hi. I meant going beyond our Steem community to tell the world we are the first best Social net Work where you can earn a living by helping can i do it??

Try Twitter and YouTube.

You doing an incredible help to the community, I would also like to pitch in into your project. Thankxx.

I hope you do, the more translations, the better.

lets try that suggestion wish u all luck

Follow & upvoted done @noisy

Coś mału tych wyświetleń. Na kanale co mi zdjęli miałem jakoś z 6~7 mln views

Andreas ma trochę cięższy content ;) Nie każdy jest też jego odbiorcą. Faktem jest jednak to, że jest on guru dla wielu ludzi z przestrzeni crypto, które potem biorą sprawę w swoje ręce i szerzą tę wiedzę dalej.

Więc można by powiedzieć, że na jego licznik można by policzyć odsłony wszystkich innych osób, które inspirował - a to już idzie w setki milionów - tego jestem pewien :)

On ma ciężki? Przecież to mnie przywitały flagi :P
Nie no tak serio to po prostu zaskoczyło mnie, że 100k i stosunkowo mało wyświetleń, ale widzę dlaczego:

  1. Po angielsku - anglojęzyczna widownia na SafeSpaceTube subuje znacznie więcej kanałów od polskiej widowni
  2. Częstotliwość uploadów - ja wrzucałem przynajmniej 2x w tygodniu, a potem prawie codziennie z czego na filmach miałem...
  3. Wyświetlenia - 1/10 w stosunku do ilości widzów to dosyć mało. Ja miałem około 1:1 , a z czasem filmy szły do ponad 150k views

Ale ogólnie facet dobrze mówi i im więcej dobrych twórców na steemit/DTube itp, tym lepiej co nie cieszy :)
Im więcej twórców tutaj, a mniej tam, tym lepiej i mimo uciętych zasięgów zrobię co mogę żeby była właśnie taka tendencja.
DTube > YouT.. SafeSpaceTube

Powiem tak - facet zrobił tyle dla rozwoju społeczności crypto, że ostatnio jak się dowiedzieli, że na skutek różnych wydarzeń Andreasowi nie powodzi się najlepiej.... to wysłali mu ponad 1.5 mln dollarów ;)

Your very intelligent, very interesting post. I dont know much about crypto but Im learning lol.. slowly. If you get time take a look at my post, let me know what you think. @diljeetdil thanks x

maxresdefault (2).jpg

AA is definitely a smart guy. nice one.

Nice idea. I really love AA

I love double A's work and I love the initiative to educate more people on blockchain/crypto in general. @noisy hit me up if you're needing someone to translate or review those subtitles to portuguese!

YESSSS this amazing! Steemit really getting big now and days, it deserves to be thats for sure!

todo muy fino pero por que nunca votan por los que estamos empezando no es justo

Wow! Finally he noticed ... :)

Nice one dude! Gracje!
Looks like you are working hard, and moving to the right direction, I like Andreas a lot! he is very profesional and technical when it comes to explaining Blockchain and Bitcoin specifics.

Wao congrat

Very good info friends, honest you make a very good content, can you visit my blog

Am up for french translation ! I am one his followers on YouTube.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're an awesome guy. 3 hours per video takes a lot of effort and of course time so I will have to see but I could probably bring value by translating andreas' videos in Italian. I'm italian and english mother tongue.
Really depends on if you need the translation for a specific time or if I could do it on my spare time.
Hit me up on Twitter so we can talk easier. My user name there is lop_steve

nice post...its helpfull for us..thanks sir

Nice! Really nice!

But what did he say in the response? You haven't even linked the tweet :)

excelente proyecto espero que llegue al español pronto

Good work sir! XP bang!

Z takimi znajomosciami trzeba zaprosic teraz Andreasa do polski. Jeden z tych ktorzy maja w tym wszystkim okreslony cel.

Wow so proud and shocking.

Do you think that we can gain enough impact, to discuss with Andreas about opening the source of "Internet of Money"? If it was open-sourced, I would be brave enough to take care of open polish translation.

hard to say... but for sure, he should be able to at least listen what people which helps him have to say :)

If there will be something to about it - count me in.

Great, indeed I was thinking

Very Nice Post. Follow Me :)

Keep it going!

best regards bro...

Well-done! You took a lot of initiative with this project. I wish you success in the future!

To follow him has also made you to be farmours l have liked his videos and to me he is the great


Such an amazing work! Keep going ;)

Really cool project! I respect what you have done! Great job!

Thats awesome, more people should read this for sure, great project!

yep @noisy brilliant ;)

Hi, that's a great project! I'd like to be part of it. I'm from Croatia and for the last few months I am having headaches because of the way BTC (and alt coins for that matter) are presented in the news here.

I think Andreas videos are a great start for anyone interested in cryptocurrency and they should be available to anyone.
Croatia may be a small country, but Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia kind of speaks the same language, so I think it is worth of translating. I understand if it may not be convenient for you to support Croatian, but I am willing to start on my own on separate channel, and maybe merge later with you when you have enough people for reviewing subtitles.

Once again, GREAT idea and I will be part of the idea if not the project itself :)

That's such an awesome project. And awesome to hear you were recognized by the man you're trying to help. Wish I could translate, but I don't know Polish. Best of luck with this project!

Andreas Antonopoulos is from Greece and the country needs people like him to open our eyes! :) great post!

I would like to help. I have spread Bitcoin to many and I have spread the word as well. I Love Andreas and have learned and share his vision. It is hard to explain to people until they really really want to learn. I am not sure what I can do but am willing to learn (I am still learning Steem)and willing to help in anyway with any time that I have.

Congarat power
Good job :)

excelente de doy un 20


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I know polish;german;english;italian fluent and understand spanish.
So if you want me to translate c:
...Atque latina...Scio linguam latinam...

Can you imagine how much progress we could all make if we all spoke the same language?

Great job on the translations you deserve all the upvotes you get!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's a great idea!
Andreas videos are an awesome source of information for newcomers. I will be happy to help in spanish.

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I love AA his videos are very informative and i always check his utube channel dailyfor updates .. Goodluck on your project buddy @noisy.. Thanks for sharing

ok, is a good idea

This is a great initiative, if we could get such person like Andreas here in Steemit I'm sure Steem will be well-known around the world...

Hello sir @noisy i got a problem with my steemit password. Can i contact you or who ? I have requested to recover my account.

buen post amigo , visita mi blog

Hi !! this is a very interesting proyect I would like to help, I can translate from english to Spanish.


I don't say that, nice your topic..................Sir

A post without waste, very valuable and relevant information. Here you have a new follower @noisy

Good work man. Keep it up.

A ja wierzę w btc i блокчейн. Co prawda tylko rok, jak poznała się z kryptowalutę, ale wierzę.

Very nice post and great article