Bitcoin Ban and how I'm getting around it.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Hello all!

So... I live in a state where bitcoin exchanges aren't allowed. I had moved to this state a little less that a year ago and had been in bitcoin since 2011. 2 months after moving here they banned bitcoin. Like really, I feel this is more of a practice of expression than anything else. This state is a welfare state and crumbling because of it. I find it incredibly idiotic to take away something that could be taxed and help the state out. Anyways, I was smart and kept my California Id and have a passport that has become extremely useful acquiring the credentials needed to get into those exchanges I should noit be able to get into. I feel this state has lost its mind but to me I don't care. I'M gonna buy and buy and buy bitcoin till i exhaust my money supply. I'm into mining and cloud mining lending programs and staking. Ive quadruppled my money in 6 months. This is an amazing time. Here a little about me. anyone have any similar circumstance?

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