Mt. Gox ‘Bitcoin Whale’ Trustee Won’t Sell Any More BTC

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

The key takeaway is that the Mt. Gox Trustee, Nobuaki Kobayashi, won’t sell any more bitcoin — at least for the foreseeable future until the creditors are reimbursed in bitcoin sometime early to mid-2019, according to Tokyo-based Bloomberg reporter Yuji Nakamura.‏

A little bit of good news in this article in that Mt. Gox won't be selling any more bitcoin. Bitcoin really needs a break from all the selling, this has been and continues to be a brutal bear market. Maybe more news like this will give people the confidence to step up and buy.... What is your opinion, are we near the bottom in the bitcoin price?

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I'm thinking we're going into the $5,000's :(

Bitcoin about to break below $6,000....

I agree. I say 4800 is the bottom.

What's the bottom for Steem...?