The objective profitability of our bot is 0.50% daily, reaching up to 1.36% in just 24 hours, with an average daily return of 0.82% from January 1, 2018. Our bot is programmed not to generate losses, so that, if the market falls and the bot does not find any purchase signal, it will not directly invest, so the profitability obtained in this case would be 0.00%. However, those days, we can meet the daily bonus thanks to the excess of profitability generated in days with a higher than average profitability, making some reserves to be able to offer positive returns when the market enters bearish trends.
The average of daily operations performed is 78, the average profitability of each operation being 0.0105% and in the case of cross-transactions in just a few seconds. This bot, based on technical analysis, is specifically designed to read and analyze different variables and technical indicators in the most important exchanges. Their algorithm is able to identify purchase opportunities through reading the depth of the market, reading the volume of purchase-sale, reading the spread, maximum and minimum price in 24 hours, over purchase or over sale through the RSI , reading of the MACD indicator, recognition of candlestick patterns and study of volatility. All this has been programmed based on the guidelines of our team of traders, who have extensive experience as analysts, traders and managers of the equity and cryptocurrency markets.
On the other hand, our team consists of traders and analysts with more than 20 years of experience making investments in financial markets and wealth management and more than four years dedicated to cryptocurrency. The objective of the team is to achieve profitability in the medium and long term, both in bullish or bearish stocks and with an investment universe of more than 1500 crypto assets. The investment process is based on the fundamental analysis of each asset, detecting those projects that are sustainable in the long term, investing in these projects when they are small and have a great capacity for growth.
The objective of average monthly profitability is 48%. An affordable goal for the team since its average profitability has been much higher in the last year, but as we are in a bear market moment we have preferred to be cautious before offering the returns that we are able to obtain. In the same way as with the Bot, the excess of profitability that exceeds the average will be used for reserves and to pay interest to our customers when market conditions do not allow us to generate profits. The team not only invests in already existing cryptocurrencies, but also will make investments in Initial Coin Offering meticulously selected to be able to distribute the benefits among our investors. The investment in ICOs offers us long-term profitability.