Max Wright predictions for Bitcoin -3

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

Max Wright spends the first half hour of the seminar describing what the financier class have been doing for a thousand years- reaping huge profits from financial crashes -using example of Hilton, and The Kennedy's. Conrad Hilton bought a bunch of real estate at the low point of a crash. JFK's granddaddy sold all his stocks days before a huge crash. Of course these guys are always members of the banking families (though they go to great lengths to hide it) that manufacture the crashes in the first place. Doesn't seem like it would be too relevant for the rest of us at this point (the secret to getting rich is to be really rich to begin with!) However, I realize he is using these examples just to illustrate the dramatic returns that investing at the right time can have.

His formula states that whatever amount you feel like you need per year is your financial freedom (FF) # - he uses 100k as an example. You need that much $ to invest at a low financial inflection point in order to get that amount every year thereafter.

He stresses the importance of being flexible between different asset classes (crypto, real estate, stock market) so that you can float from one bubble to another without risking your passive income.

Wright predicts that the height of the boom cycle for bitcoin will coincide this go-around with the low point in the stock market and real estate crash cycle. So by putting in five thousand dollars into bitcoin now, should earn you at least a 100k by summer of 2021, right when he predicts the real estate/ stocks will be ripe for getting into. At this time, a decent investor can purchase rental properties pennies on the dollar, and be earning every year at least the amount invested in cash initially. For example, you can buy property at this time for 100K that will then earn you 100k per year (even after expenses and property management services). But these kinds of returns can only be had at these specific financial inflection points (lows). And by taking advantage of the potential out-of-phase waves in asset cycles, one could essentially buy their financial independence for around 5 thousand dollars, right now.

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