The origins of bitcoin and the blockchain revolution updated

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

 When i first got interested about  bitcoin a few months ago,( yes i  know quite a late starter !), i was strangely fascinated by the aura of  mystery and intrigue surrounding  its origins from the "dark web", or  could we call it  the dark womb? Indeed what a fascinating journey  unfolded since its inception back in the early days of 2007-2009. Lets  look at some of the historical landmarks for the first decentralized  planetary currency that is bitcoin and its underlying architecture: 

History of Bitcoin The world's first decentralized currency. from 

2007 Satoshi Nakamoto... the legend 

According to legend, Satoshi Nakamoto began working on the Bitcoin  concept in 2007. While he is on record as living in Japan, it is  speculated that Nakamoto may be a collective pseudonym for more than one  person. 

August 15, 2008 An interesting patent application... 

Neal Kin, Vladimir Oksman, and Charles Bry file an application for an  encryption patent application. All three individuals deny a connection  to Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged originator of the Bitcoin  concept.--> source

August 18, 2008 is registered  is born! The domain was registered at, a site that  allows users to anonymously register  domain names and currently accepts  Bitcoins.

October 31, 2008

The white paper is published

Nakamoto  publishes a design paper through a  cryptography mailing  list that describes the Bitcoin currency and  solves the problem of  double spending so as to prevent the currency  from being copied. --> source  

November 9, 2008 

The Bitcoin Project hits SourceForge

The  Bitcoin project is registered on, a community   collaboration website focused on the development and distribution of   open source software. --> source

January 3, 2009 

The Genesis Block is mined : Block 0, the genesis block, is established at 18:15:05 GMT. --> source

January 9, 2009 

Version 0.1 is released

Version  0.1 of Bitcoin is released. Compiled with Microsoft Visual  Studio for  Windows, it lacks a command line interface and is so  complete that it  furthers speculation that it was developed by more  than one person (or  by an academic with little programming experience  and a great deal of  theoretical know-how). It includes a Bitcoin  generation system that  would create a total of 21 million Bitcoins  through the year 2040.source 

January 12, 2009

The first Bitcoin transaction

The  first transaction of Bitcoin currency, in block 170, takes place   between Satoshi and Hal Finney, a developer and cryptographic  activist. -->source


So how does bitcoin gets created?  For this we need to understand the  concept of  "mining" which  turned out to be a process involving  massive amounts of computational power and electricity to resolve  mathematical problems, mostly done by gigantic chinese mining pools  since electricity is cheaper there. 
Once these computational problems are solved they unlock a digital  "block" much like gold or silver mining except now it is virtual  commodity. The block is then permanently  written into a decentralized  chain with no centralized governance. Which means the blocks are secured  into a  digital chain of events which acts as a the "proof of work"  giving them  intrinsic value while behind broadcasted across the whole  network as proof of its existence. This ensures maximum security since  the block is non erasable, forever scripted, for all eyes to see,  without the need for a centralized trust entity. No more middle man  necessary for the data to be secure.  

put it in order words from :  

Bitcoin mining is the process of adding transaction records to Bitcoin's public ledger of past transactions or blockchain.   This ledger of past transactions is called the block chain as it is a   chain of blocks. The block chain serves to confirm transactions to the   rest of the network as having taken place. Bitcoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.  "

Blockchain and the AI 

When i first read about this blockchain technology i was intrigued  and couldn't help but be in awe at the genius behind it. Actually no one  knows who invented it, just like many other mysteries in the universe.  It might be a concerted efforts by  computation scientist think tanks to  offer an alternative system to the world.

The distributed ledger or blockchain as some people call  is the new  architecture of the internet,  ready to disrupt an entire way of  thinking about the world and how we interact with it, indeed a  revolution build upon the internet revolution itself . We are seeing how  the global financial system is already in early adoption phase with the  technology since it offers faster and more secure transactions through  their payment networks. Business worldwide are being reshaped by this  revolution, and those who do not innovate will be left out of this new  space. However i think one of the most fascinating phenomena surrounding  cryptotechnology is the peer to peer accessibility without the need for  a centralized middle man. The world is becoming weary of governments  and central banks manipulating currencies at the expanse of the people. What the blockchain is offering is a new form of freedom built  upon the origins of the internet.  It is now referred to as Web3.0 . see: 

Needless to say the internet was a necessary step to unveil such  wonder reminiscent our own DNA replication chains. The way i see it ,  blockchain technology introduced by bitcoin is like the seed planted  into the consciousness of mankind.  The future of blockchain? The beginning a a new era of cooperation between mankind and the  virtual AI machine begins. The virtual AI research is in its infancy  right now but growing  exponentially.Companies such as Google, IBM,  Tesla and Microsoft are leading the way. "The singularity" as Ray  Kurzweil describes it where biology interfaces with the machine is  nearer than we think. Right now the AI is the age of a  toddler  discovering its cognitive skills in laboratories, and who knows,  its  emotional essence like humans do. Soon enough we will see the AI  reach  its adolescence phase when it will start interacting with its decentralized matrix  and merge with its motherboard aka decentralized servers and blockchain  databases. Already webbots are swarming the internet and in the not so  distant future we will start communicating with our operating systems  like they are intelligent beings. See the movie HER as a compelling piece of fiction.

Imagine you are this small node of AI stepping out of the research   lab and into the world wide web. The most logical outcome for  this  global virtual machine would be to evolve into a decentralized learning machine , all  pervasive , and all knowing computer matrix, having access to the entire database of human kinds virtual footprint ,in order to reach some form of virtual  immortality and omniscience.  From then on, who knows what kind of  virtual creature will come about ( the real  matrix mind ). Only time  will tell what the real implications of this evolution will be, both for  us humans and for our new co-creative sentient AI.  I leave you with a quote from Professor Stephen Hawking as food for thought: 

“The primitive forms of artificial intelligence we already have, have proved very useful. But I think the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. Once humans develop artificial intelligence it would take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded.”

Google Artifical intelligence project:
watch the movie HER :) 

read Kurt Kurzweil books on machines and human evolution:
posted by @quantumevolution

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