🔹 Prime Minister Narendra Modi's @narendramodi account tweeted after midnight 12.12, that India has officially accepted Bitcoin as legal currency, and said New Delhi has bought some Bitcoins and is planning to distribute them for the people of India.
🔹This incident raises suspicions of a cyberattack because of the midnight announcement. While the fact is that New Delhi in recent months said it would introduce strict laws to regulate cryptocurrencies. Late last month, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that New Delhi does not intend to propose recognizing Bitcoin as a currency in the country.
🔹 Mr. Modi has more than 73 million followers on Twitter. Prime Minister Modi's account is one of the most popular on this social network.
🔹 Now the tweet has been deleted, Mr. Modi's account has been secured. It's not clear who hacked the account. Also cannot access the link to the website that the hacker posted.