Selling a truck for cryptocurrency? and some thoughts/tips on selling used cars/trucks these days.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

blk truck 1.jpg

Hey Steemerinos and Steemerinettes!

My lifestyle and occupation has changed drastically in the last year and I have found myself long on motor vehicles.

I'm a single guy with no kids and live alone but now I have two f150s and a ford Taurus that I used to need but now I don't really NEED any motor vehicles (although I'll probably keep one)let alone two pickup trucks.

I have been half-assed trying to sell this 91 Ford and have just changed my listing to say that in addition to cash, I will accept Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ether, just to see what happens.

By "half-assed trying" I mean that it's just listed on one car-selling site.

If I put a for sale sign on it or put it on craigslist, it would sell in a couple days tops, but I live in a big city and I have bought and sold all the vehicles I ever had to and from private parties and I can tell you, those methods are a hassle ,

With a sign, you get people that are really just bored and weren't looking for a vehicle, but saw the sign and need some attention or want to see if they can get it for nothing.
Worse, you get all manners of shady character who are just out hustling looking for a way to rip something off.
Of all the times I put a for sale sign on a car or motorcycle I've had nothing but trouble and never successfully sold a car that way.

Craigslist is also a huge hassle, while you WILL sell the car or truck quickly and you WILL probably be able to get top price, you will have to filter out 3 to 5 scammers for every person that is sincere and you will run into similar idiots like the ones you get when you use a sign that don't have all the money and expect you to "finance" it basically and let them make payments or have some sob story, worse, you have to meet them away from your house because people case vehicles to steal sometimes or they might make an impression of your key on the sly and come back for it or their buddy tries to break into your house while you are showing the truck, and stuff like that.
Not to mention the spam you will get.

In any case, I use a site that has way less volume than craigslist, you get the exact same problems but at a slower pace that is easier to manage and you can force them to have to call your phone or text you and not list an email, not having an email eliminates over half the scams because they have to actually communicate with you and do more work and scammers are lazy, plus you can just not accept blocked numbers, then they have to either use a real number or spoof their number which you can test before you let them come to your house,"That day and time sounds good, let me clear something from my schedule and I'll call you right back" That way you know you have at least a real phone number for them and a good scammer won't let that happen.

Another thing I am considering is going around to some used car dealers and offering a trade-in of two or more of my vehichles and finding a nice cargo van that I can convert into a stealth camper so I can sleep in it when I go on long drives and save money that way, I want to go visit my parents before winter, it's like 1500 miles, (I did it in a stick shift Dodge dakota once and slept in the truck, lol not fun.)
For getting around town I have a motorcycle I could get running and I might actually sell that and buy one of those honda ruckusssss's'sss or whatever the plural of ruckus is. (rucki?)

Anyway, I thought I would see if I can make another case for using Bitcoin as money like it's intended and sell my truck for it.
I'm also researching mobile wallets just in case someone wants to do this so I can get paid on the spot so if anyone can recommend a mobile wallet, I'd appreciate that.
( It doesn't need to be that secure long-term, literally just long enough to accept the payment and turn around and send it to my hardwallet)
I'd also love to hear what big purchases anyone here has made or sold with/for cryptos.
What's the most expensive thing youve ever bought with BTC or any crypto?
Mine is some silver from JMBullion and Provident.
Thanks for reading,
Stay up Steem Fam!, - Raddog

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