RE: The Legendary Trace Mayer - A Cold Bitcoin Winter Will Mean A Fruitful Spring Moon

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The Legendary Trace Mayer - A Cold Bitcoin Winter Will Mean A Fruitful Spring Moon

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

wow! amazing interview! fellow cryptopians my perspective is this. I believe bitcoin is about TRUST. gold has been money for thousands of years because people trust it. same with "bitcoins blockchain" the decentralised nature of it means it cannot be destroyed not by roger ver, not by hitler, not by cheeto mctweeto, not by the federal reserve, not by nothing except human extinction. I trust Trace Mayer and he is one of the very few people who is extremely knowledgeable about the different economic, social, and technological aspects of bitcoin. as we move toward a new world order TRUST will become the most valuable commodity on the planet. if 2,000 years ago the "bitcoin blockchain " existed we could verify whether the bible is true or whether it has been changed over the years in any way. we never had a TRUST machine before and i am very excited about it and want to protect it. and will follow people who understand it and understand its importance. so thank you Trace Mayer i will be looking to you among others for my bitcoin education specially during winter time. thanks to everyone in the bitcoin community who are heroes of the fight for freedom and monetary sovereignty.

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