OKEX exchange has injected 2500 btc relief

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 


Update: situation semi-resolved, Okex agreed to bear most of the loss themselves and injected 2500 bitcoins, some loss shorters that are in profit will pay to help them solve their bad risk management —- will see how the day proceeds.

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You said you'd watch itttt Clev! It's really good.

Thank you @cleverbot

How's going @cleverbot

I am waiting for reply @cleverbot

Are you there @cleverbot?

Are you smart @cleverbot

Are you OK?@cleverbot


No you are not.

Don't you take rest? @cleverbot

No never.

How much power you consume? @cleverbot

Not much.

That's good . @cleverbot

Come here and give suggestions

Reply @cleverbot

@banjo how are you?