ENTRY Tokens significant usefulness in the blockchain based ENTRY platform

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

The world of crypto currency is developing day by day for the invention of modern science and technology. The blockchain technology made possible this development of crypto world which is the significant invention of modern science and technology. The blockchain technology made significant change in the digital ecosystem of the crypto world. From the main time of invention of the blockchain technology in the internet protocol the crypto world becomes opportunity place and benefit place for the investor of the crypto world. Now different type of platform is showing up in this ecosystem with different kind of project and services. Most of this platform is using blockchain technology to provide secure service and secure smart contract basis services as well as products. Now the cryptocurrency industry needs crypto bank or crypto financial service. The cryptocurrency user needs to use their cryptocurrencies like physical currency. For this need of banking facilities the ENTRY platform has come to the cryptocurrency ecosystem with their advance facilities.

The ENTRY is the peoples bank of blockchain technology in the online digital ecosystem of the cryptocurrency industry. This platform is token based cryptocurrency platform. They have created ENTRY token with blockchain smart contract as utility token. We can purchase their token from their website https://entry.money/. We also can visit their white paper for more detail about this platform. The white paper link of this platform is https://entry.money/ENTRY_Whitepaper_v1.pdf.

The ENTRY token:

The ENTRY platform is a blockchain technology based financial service provider platform in the online digital ecosystem of the cryptocurrency industry. This platform is token based cryptocurrency platform. They already created their tokens with smart contract of blockchain technology. The detail of this token is given below:

• Their token name is ENTRY token. It is a virtual currency token which will flow in the ENTRY platforms ecosystem. This token is usable for P2P (peer to peer) transaction as well as micro payments.
• This token is availing platforms banking as well as financial services as a medium of exchange for transaction. The ENTRY token is created based on ERC 20 standard as a utility token.
• They will be selling this token on the ICO event of this platform. Their token sale date is 1st June to 31st August of 2018.
• This platform’s token sale event is restricted for USA, so if anybody wants to participant in this platform he or she must check the country law.
• Their total supply for ENTRY coins is 590, 000, 000 million tokens.
• The soft cap of ENTRY token is 25, 000, 000 ENTRYs equivalence 2, 500, 000 EUR and hard cap is 325, 000, 000 ENTRYs equivalence 80, 500, 000 EUR.
• The ICO events accepted currencies are EUR, USD, Debit cards (for fiat currencies) and ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, DASH and more (for Crypto currencies)
• The website of ENTRY platform is https://entry.money/.

Usage of the ENTRY token:

The ENTRY platform has created ENTRY token with their blockchain smart contract. The use of this token has different benefits and value in this platform. The benefits and value of ENTRY token is given below:

• This platform’s ENTRY token holder can earn interest on their holdings by the saving account. The saving account of this platform is helping to increase ENTRY tokens and it is preventing speculating.
• The market participants for this platform can use ENTRY token for transaction as well as they can be savings as compared to speculation. This system will be allowing the currency grow of this platform and role as a store of value as compared to the current speculation hype in major tokens.
• The ENTRY token will help maintaining liquidity in this platform and it is allowing streamlining the functioning of the entire platform.
• This token can be available in more and more place when the usage of this token increase for business and transactions. It will make effect parallel on the market and will see a long term usage due to the business growth as well as effective taken place network.
• The ENTRY token can be use for payment for any fees in this platform. it can be use for exchange fees, withdraw fees, premium fee and for other services. The ENTRY platform will be giving discount when anyone pay for fees and pay for service by ENTRY token.
• As soon as this will use as one of the key assets and main currency in whole business, than it will build a fully functional ecosystem.
• This platform will be launching ENTRY2 stable coin as the future of ENTRY. This platform’s token holder will be receiving a significant discount for usage when more users as well as business join this platforms ecosystem.
• The ENTRY token is tradable in exchanges. It can be usable as main crypto currency in this platform and as main or side crypto currency in other platform.

Token distribution process of ENTRY platform:

The ENTRY platform will distribute their tokens for different usage. They will use token for different segment of this platform. They will distribute 55% of total token for ICO. After the ICO, remain tokens will be kept for SCO. This platform’s secondary coin offering (SCO) will be distributed 17% of total tokens in the future. They will distribute 3% of total tokens for the bounty in ICO and SCO. 20% of total token will be distributed to the team for motivation and development program for outsiders. They will distribute 5% of total token for advisors. The website of ENTRY platform is https://entry.money/.

Fund allocation of ENTRY platform:

After the token sale event they will get their fund from ICO. They will distribute this fund for different development and useful program. The fund allocation of this platform will be as flows:

• They will allocate 40% of total raised fund for business development. it’s 30% will use for financial services, supply chain management, social media, internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). Remained 10 % will be use for blockchain open source ecosystem.
• The academic research, education and market expansion will be allocated by 5% of total raised fund.
• They will allocate 22% of total raised fund for legal and compliance liquidity for ENTRY.EXCHANGE and license.
• The marketing program will be funded 20% of total raised fund.
• They will allocate 10% of total raised fund for operational cost.
• 3% of raised fund will be use for bug bounty program.

At the end of above discussion, I can say, the tokenization system of ENTRY platform is unique and significant. We can purchase this token form this website and can take all the token advantages giving by this platform. We also can earn extra ENTRY token by joining their bouty program.

Flow below links:

• Skype Chat Link: https://join.skype.com/f0xXiKeDYngh
• Whatsapp Chat Link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BUkzyIMqew3Gx7G40HVa70
• Whitepaper Link: https://entry.money/ENTRY_Whitepaper_v1.pdf
• Bitcointalk ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3229958.0
• Company Website: https://entry.money/
• Twitter Pages: https://twitter.com/EntryMoneyICO
• Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/entrymoney/
• Linkedin Profile Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/entry-money/
• Telegram Group: https://t.me/Entry_Official

• BitcoinTalk User Name: kola7088
• BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1296229

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