in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Who does not know the roses? Flowers with characteristic bright colors and fragrant aroma is often used as an ornamental plant flowers. During this time the rose is known as the queen of flowers because of its beauty. Generally roses are popular with red and white. But there is another kind of rarely known black roses.


Black roses are mostly liked because of the uniqueness they have. Many stories circulate with regard to this flower, black roses are often associated with black magic or the vampire world. There is also a saying that black roses are flowers that symbolize the love of death.


Too bad the black rose is not as much as the other roses. This flower only grows in Turkey, precisely in the area of ​​Halfeti. Why can there be black roses growing there? One reason is that the Halfeti area has rare earth conditions and is different from other areas. In addition, the geographical factor in which the Halfeti area adjacent to the Euphrates River affects the climate there. This is what makes the roses there dark magenta color or dark purple near black.


Pigments or substances that affect the color present in the plant are called anthocyanins. It is also commonly found in raspberries and blueberries. This black rose only blooms 2 times a year, the blooming time is only about 15 days.


As discussed in the beginning that this black rose is only growing and growing in the Halferi area. Unfortunately, this time black roses are endangered species. This is because it is almost impossible to develop black roses in other areas.
This is further exacerbated by the construction of Birecik dam in Halfeti so that this place is much evicted and began to be abandoned by its citizens.
Although residents try to plant black roses in other areas but the results are not as good as when planted in the area of ​​origin. In the new place not many roses can bloom. Therefore the local government is also trying to save black roses to be enjoyed by the next generation.


They try to collect the seeds of black roses and try to plant in a new place made similar to the previous location. This effort yielded positive results, although not as good as in the original place but the black rose in this new location can be enjoyed until now. Although some people call black roses a symbol of hatred and are symbols of mystery. But this flower still has its own beauty and value so it needs to be preserved and preserved its existence. If you are interested to see directly the black roses can directly visit the area Halfeti. But to cure your curiosity there are some pictures of black roses that you can see below.




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It was nice

thank you friend