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I love the milk breasts shooting all over the place...

lol :-D

If you give me 3-1 odds I say we touch $8k by the end of February. If we never touch $8k you win.
My 2 SBD versus your 6SBD. :) deal?

You can use Byteball to place such a bet with others. LOL

Do you want to take the other side of my action?


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So you are in agreement w my educated guess?

I would not bet against a slide to 7/8k no :)

are you referring to BTC dipping back down to $8k?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, I think we dip back to $8k by end of Feb. . Long term I’m a major bull, but this is too much too soon imho.

seems very unlikely...


We can be 100% sure about it, if buffet is in the whole wall street will invest in crypto

You can’t be 100% sure about anything in life and especially not investing/trading.

Buffet isn't in. He doesn't believe in it. And it does matter - the mainstream institutional traders are still flocking in.


Bitcoin is already making waves. I would love to tag this year the year of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Buffet's opinion on bitcoin doesn't count and still saw bitcoin waxing and growing stronger.
Bitcoin to the moon 🚀🚀🚀
Great update @rok-sivante

After Katy Perry talking about bitcoin, people whom didn’t know bitcoin and gained awareness of it!!!

listen 78% of americans live paycheck to paycheck, they even canNOT buy bitcoin now at all

that's their money-mangement problem.

Beer... or Bitcoin...?
Cable TV and unnecessary consumables... or financial investment...?

Or, they could get on Steemit, start writing, and earn their startup capital in Steemit. That's what I did.

Or, they could get off their ass and create value in some way for someone that'd generate enough to get a foot in the door.

But most won't and don't. And no one is to blame but themselves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Agreed, great points. Most ppl would love to be rich n retire early until they realize what it takes.

Bitcoin already making waves And i believe very soon all companies will accept it @rok-sivante

If unimpeded, bitcoin will reach at least 1 million, at least. I was just saying in a reply to another post that as soon as a few more famous people start talking about it it's going to explode. I didn't except that to happen three minutes later. Hah!

I'm glad I got my first .0018 bitcoins. I wish it was more but that's all I could manage. I hope the explosion can wait a few weeks, then I'll invest some steem, let it x100 and reinvest half in steem :-)

This is good news amidst fear that the price of bitcoin would be heading for a dip soon.

good exposure nonetheless


bitcion is making waves indeed.
Thanks for the update

The music/movie industry sells subliminal hypnosis to herd the masses, so I would stay away of any predictions made by any of its ambassador(s)

FAMOUS BUFFET'S QUOTE: the price is what you pay, the value is what you get... makes sense now, we know where the pyramidal structure of society is coming from. Making people believe in fake values


Are you being serious about the subliminal hypnosis? If so, I’m fuq’ed!

well the upside is that when aware of the subliminal hypnosis, one stops falling for it :)