Follow the rules of the rainbow :)

in bitcoin •  5 years ago  (edited)

Screen Shot 20200130 at 17.52.16.png

Buy in the blue/green. Sell in the red/purple.

Wish someone had shown me this chart three years ago!

People often ask me if they have missed the boat when it comes to investing into crypto and when I explain the answer to their question they still seem sceptical. So in future I will simply send them the link to this chart.

Thanks to @stackin for putting me onto this website which has a lot of other interesting stats too.

Did you know for example that Bitcoin has increased 10,947% since 2010?

Contrast that with another interesting figure I came across today:

The most successful fiat currency of all time, the British Pound has lost 95.5% of it's value since its conception 317 years ago.

Nothing more need be said.

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I like that rainbow! Gives me an idea on where things are at! Thanks for sharing!

It is quite an enjoyable sight to behold really isn't it ;)

I agree, a good way to visualize it!

I like to think that it's more of a wave-like pattern than a rainbow. A wave that goes up and down but, in the long term, keeps going up. I dig these colors though ;>)

As a basic system for beginners to follow I feel like this rainbow does a great job. And as you say... the colours are groovy ;)