100Billion Market Cap? Bitch, please. Here's why Crypto will go up 100x by 2020.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

In this article I will explain the 3 tops factors that will be responsible for the absolutely insane jump we are ABOUT to have in Crypto's.... a LEAST 100x by 2020, possibly much more...

Factor One: Institutional Investors.

I recently had a candid conversation with my new friend Siam. Great guy. He’s a seasoned stock trader and investor. He's just getting into crypto. He told me that some company gives him 2 million pounds per month for him to invest for them - if he does well, he gets a percentage. After talking to him a bit, he says he was going to recommend to them that he is going to put 10% of that money in crypto’s as a “hedge” against the market. (He knows full well it will outperform the market, but he’s just telling them what they want to hear.) 

So, that would be 200k a month flowing into crypto…. No big deal, right?  Keep that in mind for a moment…. And consider this: We’ve gone from 25 market cap at the start of April to 100 Billion in the first weeks of June. That’s almost a 4x increase. AND GUESS WHAT: That’s mainly people (and some whales who got BTC early) re-investing their BTC profits into ALT coins and ICO’s.  Sure, some of these whales have a lot of money.  But what happens when institutional investors like my friend Siam start investing in crypto as a “hedge” against the stock market? 

What do you think will happen when The Vanguard Group with over 3.1 TRILLION dollars decide to put 10% of their fund into Crypto’s? Yes – JUST THIS ONE company would suddenly add 300 BILLION to crypto’s – multiplying the current market by 4x. It’s only a matter of time till some fund manager makes a move like that. And when ONE of these companies does it…. What do you think the rest will do? They will be right behind. Shit, just the top 10 investment funds in the world have (wait for it) 25 TRILLION in assets.

So just those 10 companies putting in a measily 10% into crypto would add 2.5 TRILLION dollars to the market, blowing crypto market cap x 25. And yes – this IS going to happen. Do you REALLY think these companies will sit around and watch their investments go down the drain without taking measures to save their funds (and their own asses?) These people may be greedy corporate a-holes, but they aren’t stupid. They ARE going to join the party – it’s only a matter of time. 

FACTOR 2: Economic Uncertainty/Meltdown

 Let’s be honest. We all know it’s coming – this Keynesian system is a total sham, and it doesn’t work. There’s a total of 325 TRILLION in debt today…. 325% of world GDP. There are countless countries on the brink of absolute meltdown. Japan.  Italy. Spain. Portugal. Ireland. China. India. The USA….. Any one of these countries (or any of their phony banks) going belly up will lead to a massive crisis of confidence in not only the system, but the fiat currencies linked to the system. This means a HUGE flight of capitol in the one class of investments that just keeps going up. 

Crytpo Currencies ;) 

Side note: Yes, Silver and Gold will explode at SOME point – but right now they are still being manipulated – and I believe crypto’s will make HUGE gains upwards before the manipulation ends or becomes untenable. Economic uncertainly = MASSIVE inflows into crytpo - and we are about to enter the most economically turbulent time since the great depression. That's a fact, that is far too many people are unprepared for. (I'll save that rant for another post, however.) 

FACTOR 3: Mass Adoption

Almost every week, there is a big piece of news that some multi-national company is investing serious sums of money into crypto. Bitcoin makes the news regularly –and Etherium is getting into the mainstream too. (Just the other day Putin met with our favorite Crypto scoundrel and Etherium Founder Vitalik Buterin!)  

Currently, there’s only around 5 million bitcoin wallets. And a far, far fewer amount of that are into ALTS. Once we hit even 10% of the population investing in alts… it will go absolutely ballistic

Consider This. The Total amount of money in the world is around 1.2 Quadrillion. Sure, this includes a lot of BS imaginary money that doesn't exist - but a big chunk of that money CAN be pulled out and moved into crypto's - and it will. One Guadrillion, by the way, is this much: 


Currently in Cyrpto we have this much:


See what I mean?

If you add these 3 factors together  - Institutional investments, global turmoil, and ultimately mass adoption... We are looking at a 100x rise in the crypto market cap – my estimation by 2020 at the latest. Even if I’m wrong at it happens in 2030, it will still be one of the greatest revolutions (and investments) the planet has ever seen. Everyone with the patience to play the long game…. will be very wealthy indeed. If I’m right – I’ll see you at my Steemit Mansion Party in a few years … you’re all invited ;) 

For now, let’s get that wealth going by upvoting this post! Hint hint ;)


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Inform us when Steemit mansion is up ;)

Btw i think u shouldn't use large letters for all your texts.. kinda difficult reading them to be honest!

Agreed. Still new at this - I put it back to normal font ;)

yes you know ... im kinda agree,i gess he wanted to...put a lot of information or something and...uk

Great info. thanks for posting. voted and following!

I love it Sasha. Thanks for getting me into crypto. (And your other specialty ;) )
Upvote and repost. See you in the mansion guys :)

Cool article, this is a really well thought out article on what may happen and maybe sooner than we think.

I dont have inside information on institutions buying crypto currencies but it makes sense that there in there beginning stages of hedging their portfolios, especially the younger guys and gals.

Its nice to be reminded how there is Trillions of fiats around the world in hedge funs unit trusts ect looking for a home in this upcoming economic storm, I rember when it was billions but now I guess some mutual fund families have a few trillion in the portfolios.

I guess when this really takes off its going to be like investing in Vancouver gold mining shares when I was a kid!

Thanks for the article!

That's exactly right..... it will be very huge! Exciting times...

What I want to know is, "ARE WE READY"?

Meaning, the infrastructure behind ALL cryptos. Especially after this long drawn out (and ongoing) battle in BTC scaling. Meanwhile, the ALT-Coins boomed! Glad I got on board! (Especially with the Steem train community).

We can get caught up in relative value comparisons relative to this original post, but to me, the reality is - ARE WE READY?

I've been wondering about this for a long time as I realized that cryptos are still a drop in the world market bucket.

Any feed back would be appreciated.