Cyrpto - The Opportunity of a century!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yes, Sasha Daygame is writing about Crypt0.

I'd originally got some BTC in 2012..... and after speaking at Anarchapulco and making friends with Juan Galt and some other free thinking types - I started investing in crypto in February of 2016.

I'd bought Dash and XRP long before their pumps and.... it's been a wild wild ride so far ;)

I'm a huge fan of crypto, not simply because you can make a ton of money if you are smart about it - but because I'm a lover of freedom, humans., free speech..... and not a fan of any system that suppresses humanity.

The blockchain(s) are provided some INSANE opportunities to take back a tremendous amount of our freedoms - before they are eradicated by those that would oppress us.

If you can't get excited about that - you're probably already dead! :P

OKAY! On to the Financial angle of Cryto!

A lot of guys come up to me and express frustration at the fact that they want to be free to do whatever they want, whenever they want to do it.

I think most of us can connect with that idea.

I used to tell people “Hey, you can always learn how to play online poker, then move to Thailand where you can live for cheap” …. Sometimes I’d tell them to find someone doing exactly the thing they would love to do and go volunteer to work for them for free as long as they can feed you and put a roof over your head.

Sometimes I’d even say: “Go find a gig picking fruit part time, so you can be in nature and relax for the most part. They’ll put you up and feed you though you certainly won’t get rich.”

But these days…. I simply reply:
“Have you heard of crypto?”

Oh – for total newbies…. Crypto means “Crypto currencies” as in… Digital currency!!

Yes – not only has it existed since around 2009, it is now likely THE most profitable investment around. Many will make a career out of it.

But let’s take a step back. Where did this whole thing come from?

Well, back in 2009 an anonymous fellow calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto released the code to the public.

At first, the world’s first crypto currency was worth very little. In fact, $1 could have bought you 1309 Bitcoins!! Now, $2000 will get you 1 bitcoin. Insane!

In 2011, Litecoin was created as an improvement on Bitcoin.

Today, there are no less than 730 alternative coins listed on – although the real number may be even higher.

In the last year, many huge projects have come out, and their token’s have gone up by insane levels.

It should be noted that there are different kinds of crypto currencies.

Some, have been created to be a medium of EXCHANGE. So they are literally currencies. Some examples of those would be


Also, there are lots of tokens out there that represent certain companies with amazing technologies.

Some of these are genuinely disruptive (and potentially world changing projects)

For example, Ethereum is one of the most known projects. Eth is .. hey let’s just quote Their Website

“A decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.”

Another project I like is SC (Siacoin).

You know Dropbox? Well, Dropbox is centralized. That means if someone inside that company is crooked (or anyone manages to hack Dropbox, they can get a hold of your files. Yes, that means that secret folder of personal porn you thought nobody would ever find is ALL OUT THERE.

Well, SC is a great project that has DECENTRALIZED storage. So your porn gets encrypted and stored bit by bit on lots of different computers across the net – but only YOU have the keys to access.

STORJ is another similar concept, as well as MAID. I like them all for long term investments.

Another example of a potentially very profitable project is AUGUR. Everyone loves going and blowing their money at the casino, right? :D … Well, SOME people love gambling. And … a platform for decentralized betting is bound to make money.

There is also a new and exciting project called GOLEM which is will allow users to rent out their computer’s extra processing power (or rent it, if needed!)

And on, and on, and on…. The sky's the limit!

Remember, tokens are NOT shares (or even investments) in the company themselves. But… that doesn’t seem to stop people from going apeshit buying ‘em!

Some of you may be old enough to recall the .com boom of the late 90’s! I would say we are in the crypto boom now…. And the year is 1997.

Personally, I don’t believe any of this “bubble” talk…. We are still in the early stages of some absolutely world changing blockchain based technologies that are being developed. And the early adopters are JUST hearing about it now. We may not even be in THAT phase…. Time will tell.

Here’s why crypto is so amazing.

  1. You don’t need a lot of money to start trading. I heard a story about a guy who started with $500 bucks and now has hundreds of bitcoins.
  2. It’s super easy to start. Being in the grey area, you can simply open up an account (with little to no paperwork) and start trading tomorrow.
  3. Anyone can do it. All you need is some money, a little bit of chutzbah, and some time to do your research
  4. If you are careful, you can be anonymous with your trading.

That’s it!

Because it is such early days – Is it very likely you will be profitable simply buying and holding coins.. The easiest thing to do is spend some time reading blogs, watching YouTube vids, and even surfing telegram groups where people discuss coins and trading strategies.

Once you’ve got a plan… Bet yourself some bitcoin, open your account, and get busy!

I find is a good platform that’s easy to use, give it a shot. Poloniex is the most popular – but it’s grown too popular and has some problems these days with freezing etc.

Remember: If you don’t have a lot of time, I highly suggest being an INVESTOR, rather than a trader. But, if you have a knack for it, and QUITE a bit of time (and patience)…. Trading might be the thing for you.

How to get started? The easiest way to get started is to open a Bitcoin wallet on

Then, you can get some cash, and meet someone in person from and get some BTC that way.

Or, you can open an account on an exchange (Kraken is good so far) and wire them money and get BTC.

Then, you can move your BTC to wherever exchange you want to trade on, and then start your investments!

I’ll shortly post some articles on my best (and dumbest) moves in the last year in crypto… so make sure to follow me if you haven’t ;)

And do yourself a favour…. Upvote me and get us both some STEEM baby!

Ah yes - I made a video on my second channel talking about my love for crypto currencies, you can check out here.

I wish you luck…. But we all know that has little to do with it!

So, good decision making to you - and see you in the next article!


P.S I spoke about Crypt0 in this episode of the Sasha show... for those that like vids! :)

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Thanks for mentioning pivx! Looks like they have their wallet squared away finally.

It could be good, let's see where it goes!

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Thanks.Nice post man

nice post Sasha :) thanks to you I got in to Cryptocurrencies after the Infinite man summit in London and I am so glad that I did ;) Peace and love! :)

Oh yeah which ones did you get?? Lot has happened since last September... you coming to the next one, it's next week! :D

Actually quite a few (I am not only holding, I am also trading here and there), but I guess the most profitable were Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar and Dash ;) Yeah so many things changed :) It was really an awesome event ;) unfortunately I can't come, because I am still in Costa Rica ;) hopefully we see us at your next event :)

Hey Sasha, great advice I up voted you! It seems to be impossible to put a deposit of fiat into Bittrex and poloniex and start trading that way. I have another site where you can do that ( but they allow buying only a few coins. Do you always buy Bitcoin and then convert it into another crypto currency if you wish to buy one?

I'm dizzy with success! Now really gold rush. Thank you! I will feed on your optimism.

Yeah it's nuts.... keep a calm head, but do profit! :)

Very informative post, for beginners in cryptocurrencies.


Thanks for the YouTube video SaSha and for the amazing tips that will wake us up to crypto. If I make my first million in less than I year as my game plan on Crypto. I'll blame it on you and other crpto lovers like @jerry Banfield, Roger Ver and the brainy Satoshi. We love to set the our annual salary on the natural spectrum not on the system that pays you all you need to survive in order to continue working for it.

Awesome.. This is exciting to read. I'm in the boat of having quite a bit of free time.. Any tips for someone starting off as a trader?

Time to create a life we don't need a holiday from :)

Awesome post...Is crypt0 a new currency or you're referring to cryptocurrency as a whole....

crypto is short for cryptocurrency

I'd imagine that it can't hurt your day-game if you're massively rich on bitcoin ;)

Haha... well there are better places your confidence should come from then having money... but it is nice to be able to take a girl out and be able to pay for your own half... and maybe treat her once in a while too ;)

Thanks a lot for the info!

I have to stop procrastinating buying Bitcoin!!

My payment via Blockchain/Coinify keeps being declined, even though I have money in my account!!
Why does the universe not want me to have Bitcoins :(((((((

OF COURSE it was my bank's fraud department blocking the payment!
I am the very proud owner of 0.01302117 BTC :) :)
Thanks Sasha/Universe for this prod to get myself some god damn Bitcoin!!!

Hahaha Better late than never! Now start aLT shopping ;)

Thanks for the info Sasha, you mentioned some coins I've never heard of and which definitely look interesting.

Sasha mentions SIA - the next day 30% pump!

Ahha well its been pumping for like over a week now.... and today it's down a bit :/ but I'm holding long!

I promise myself not to trade and... Next thing I do is to share my trading experience:

What a great post !
Every line sounds just like it was written by me.
I so much share your feelings, thoughts, visions...
Resteemed and folowed

This is Awesome. Thanks.
Resteemed , Upvoted and Followed!

@sashadaygame thanks for getting me started on Steemit, AND investing in bitcoin AND chasin' girls down the street. We haven't met but thank you from a fan. Lots of love from dirty Dublin, Rafa de Zelanda

Hey my pleasure dude!!! :) Keep chasing those girls and them coins ;)

Will do!
And if you'd like to see me lose my stand-up comedy virginity in this Steemy post:
Just because there's avocado in my beard doesn't mean I'm a hipster