in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

The SKYFchainOperatingPlatform willprovide a disruptive solution forswitchingglobal logistics industriesto unmanned systems.As an independent blockchain-based Operating Platform open to all industry participantsit will contain critical information for each stage of lifecycle of a cargo robot. Theoperations and access to clientsof SKYF dronewill be used todevelop and testthe SKYFchain. We aimto setthe standards for thenew industry inroboticdeliveryinareas such asfinancing, manufacturing, operations, maintenance,insurance, and authorizationof drones and robots in the air, on the ground and at the sea

We expect that value of SKYFT mayincrease over time because of two main drivers:
More and more companies, clients, financial institutions will be connected to SKYFchain which will drive the growth of transactionsin SKYFchain and demand onSKYFT.
For every SKYFchain transaction whether it's getting loan to buy unmanned vehicle, client payment or something else SKYFchain will charge some commission. 25%of commissions will go to SKYFT holders.

We understand that your backing of SKYFchainmay be associated with riskand we have takenseveral measures to mitigate those risks:-
SKYFchain legal entity -Skyfdrones Services OU -is registered in Estonia which has one of most favorable regulationsin the worldfor blockchainrelated companies.
SKYFTtokens are compliantwith SEC of USA and available for US investors
Hundreds of SKYF drones will use SKYFchain as an operating platform. SKYFchain developers will have direct access to all SKYF drone clients to test and polish SKYFchain system before inviting otherproducers of dronesto use the system.
SKYFchain is aspin-off of SKYFdronedevelopment project, which in addition to granting SKYFchain access to clients shall use 20% of revenues from sales of SKYF drones to purchase the SKYFT tokens from the market. We estimate that this may amount to$50M during the next 3–5 years after the ICO. And the SKYF drone is designed with full range of IP protection measures including patens and know-how. Thisshallprotect SKYFchain uniquenessfor the time of its initial development.
SKYFchain has very experienced and trusted team of engineers and business leaders with proven results–they have attracted $5M of VC money into the SKYF drone project.

SKYFchain OP business model

Logistics business processes today are designed with a human being in mind, eitheras acustomeror acontroller etc. Autopilots for cargo robots, AI and the developing field of IOT hints that one day,robots may work without being directlycontrolledbyan individual.
This would bring enormous savings since currently,around 50% of costs in logistics is in labor.
The field in cargo roboticswill require investments, and investmentsneed insurance, risk management and control. Thus,unmanned cargo robotsmay become an asset which would require new types of regulations and business processes. We are planning to develop them in the SKYFchain Operating Platform.

SKYFchain OPwillinviteexperts from the logistics industryfrom all over the world to become part ofthedevelopment community.Special fundsfortokens will be allocated toICO to reward them.The Community Development Fund (CDF) willhold 10% of tokensissued at ICO.
SKYFchain OP project team includes leading aviation industry experts, blockchain specialists and international business professionals.
The SKYF droneinitial testing market will bethe developing countriesagriculturaland logisticssectors –a multi-billion-dollar marketon its own.From year 2021onwards it'llstart expansion to the US and European markets.
Test flights of the SKYF droneare already under wayand have been successful.Please take a look at aflight test video on our website:
Fixed amount of 1,200,000,000 tokens
The ICO end price will be 0.065 USD per 1 SKYFT token
SKYFT is compliant with the U.S. SEC
SKYFT tokens will be required for any transaction inside SKYFchain.
A user requests a transaction in SKYFchain and pays securely in fiat money through his smart contract. SKYFchain acquires SKYFT tokens at a crypto exchange to execute the transaction
Transactions will grow exponentially because ROBOTS NEED TO TALK with clients

design and manufacture of SKYF cargo drones attracted $5M; successful aerodynamic tests; fully autonomous flights in Q4 2017
development of the private blockchain; creation of the international legal structure; sales of first SKYF drones and expansion of the partner network to regions without strict regulation of cargo drone flights (CIS, Asia, Africa)
rapid growth of SKYF drone sales; inclusion of third-party drone data into SKYFchain; lobbying for new regulations in developed markets
connection of ground and sea cargo robots into the system; passenger drones to follow

Benefits of the unmanned trucks
Proponents of automatedtrucks are talking about several useful features. They say that such trucks willbe more efficient because they wouldnot waste fuel by accelerating and braking as frequentlyas trucks driven manually by a human driver.Similarly,developers have plans to use truck platooning to save on fuel. Other benefits may include:increased safety and less stress for drivers during long-haul monotonous drives.

Passenger car drivers are ready to test automated carsAccording tothe press release of a Consumer Technology Association (CTA),™ mostdrivers (93 percent) use existing driver-assist features such as adaptive cruise control, parking assist, and collision avoidance. They thenappreciate the usefulness of these driving technology innovations.
1"Clearly, drivers are getting more and more excited about everything that driver-less cars will offer us –90 percent fewer U.S. traffic accidents, 40 percent lower insurance costs, the end of drunk driving accidents and new-found freedom for seniors and people with disabilities," said Gary Shapiro, president and CEOofCTA. "The broad adoption of self-driving vehicles will save tens of thousands of lives each year in the U.S. alone, and deliver a level of independence and mobility that seniors and people with disabilities couldn't otherwise dream of enjoying."

VC dealsAccording to the CBInsights report "The State of Drone Technology"1VC funds have recognized an opportunity in UC;the total disclosed VCcapital raised for unmanned systems (drones) in the year 2016 increased by 123% to over $1,3bn.

The broad adoption of droneshas becomea mainstream inthis decade. Q1'2016 investmentsinclude: Airware($30mln),Skydio($25mln), andDelair-Tech($14.5mln). DJI wasone of the first drone companies with confirmed a Mcap of $10bn. The investors'spectrum is diverse and includes leading global business companies.

Solution –SKYF drone with a gasoline engine
The SKYF drone new aerodynamic design solves the problem of multi-copter scalability. The SKYF drone is the world's first unmanned air cargo platform (unmanned aerial carrier, the drone) with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) based on patented aerodynamics, whichallowforthe development of unmanned aerial vehicles withdifferent modifications that can carry out a wide variety of challenging tasks.The SKYF drone is easy tooperateand less expensive when compared toother existing solutions, and it allows for scaling in order to increase payload and flight range, as well as to configure other characteristics.Moreover, we provide licensed operational documentation, software and key electronic components. We believe that the emergence of universal high-performance VTOL drones can lead to unpredictable expansion inapplication areas, especially in the market segment of 100–150 kg payload.
The real photo of a SKYF drone

Model: SKYF P2–1
The SKYF Unmanned Aerial Carrier wasdesigned and built at ARDN Technology Limited (UK), whoseR&D HQ is now located in Kazan, Russia. Areas of the system'sapplications include: crop spraying and long distance delivery of goods. The SKYF device is a vertical take-off and landing device drone with two 2.8 m main rotors that synchronously rotate towards each other. The main rotors, which generate lift to ensure the drone isair-borne, are driven by a gasoline engine. The engine transmits torque through the gearbox and the belt drive to the main rotors.
SKYF drone technical characteristics
The SKYF drone'smaximum useful loadis 400kg. The drone flight range can reach up to 350 km, while the flight time is 8 hours (with 50 kg of cargo onboard).
SKYF drone mobility

The SKYF drone transportation container can hold two vehicles. A container allows for customization for various purposes and SKYF drone modifications.

SKYFchain Operating Platform technical details and economics
Blockchain concept for the SKYFchain
OPSKYFchain architecture is based on two building blocks:
SKYFchain blockchain itself -private permissioned blockchain customized for the most effective usage in the industry;
2.Ethereum ERC-20 SKYFT tokens-based perimeter of public blockchainfor processing and settling SKYFT tokens transactions and communicating them back and forth with SKYFchain.

Payment channels are part of a special middleware over blockchain database. They form a payment networkand allow two or more parties to make funds transfers from one to another. In our case we create payment channel from public Ethereum network to the SKYFchain.
Pre-ICO and Terms crowdsale
Pre-ICO will belaunchedon 1stofMarch
2018Join the white-list to receive a 40% discount onyour SKYFT tokens!
The pre-ICO targetis $1 000000.
The pre-ICO hard cap is $2000000.
Only 51300000 SKYFT tokens is reserved for Pre-ICO.
Minimum tokens purchase volume is3000 SKYFT.
Collected funds will be stored on severalaccountsto limit potential impact of an attack byhackers.
We accept contributions in ETH and BTC. If you want to contribute BTC, you still need the ETH address in order to receive tokens.

Use of fundsIf we manage to collect the required $30 mln,they will be usedfor:
45% -Research & Development–includingfull-time salaries, contractors, research
25% -Marketing & Platform Development–to build a robust marketing campaign in several languages, user acquisition, etc.
24% -Operations, Business and Corporate Development–to grow business via strategic partnerships, integration with various stakeholders, and acquiring or partnering with other relevant projects
6% -Legal & Administrative-Legal, IP protection, accounting and other third party services needed to run our organization.

Teamand advisors

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