RE: Better Get Ready...Bitcoin Leaders Reached Scaling Consensus Finally...Bitcoin HODL Should Go Into Overdrive Now!!

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Better Get Ready...Bitcoin Leaders Reached Scaling Consensus Finally...Bitcoin HODL Should Go Into Overdrive Now!!

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

Oh I definitely agree, get the Federal Reserve off our backs...and get the masses to this thing we do here. I am so amazed how little people still get what BTC is but its coming, I have a feeling we are about to turn a few corners soon. Meanwhile, the USD wow its dying lol

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I bought 3/4 million Russian Roubles a few years back.... I expect in a couple years from now, it'll be worth a tidy sum. I also own some real physical metals.
I been slowly adding to my pile for 4 years. I did not dive into cryptos until FEBUARY this year.. I bought DASH and ETHERIUM to start. I now hold bitcoin, GOLEM (GNT) and now obviously STEEMtumblr_mlmilj36Db1riu06po1_250.gif.

Metals will always be one of the best sure things, especially with the way the world is working lately I would always say have a little for the just in cases. I am also kind of a late starter, though I have been knowing of Bitcoin since 2013...even bought a DVD back then because they only accepted Bitcoin lol...think that DVD is worth thousands on top of thousands and I don't even own a DVD anymore, just blurays lol. I got heavily into it since last Nov or so. I even did some work the last few month with PIVX in their marketing but the budgets didn't make it so at this stage regrouping to figure other avenues of crypto income. Steem seems to me to have a huge potential...just because its a real world usage case you don't see a lot of in crypto....all I do is keep powering up...figure bank back the Steem as much as possible so I can have my future self thank me for now lol