Singular D-TV a decentralized Television Series, Thoughts?

in bitcoin •  9 years ago  (edited)

This project looks very promising. Here is a link to their white paper

A technology like Singular DTV can easily compete with Netflix and transform the entertainment and digital rights management industries.

What is everyone's thoughts on this ?

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Like the concept of blockchain being used to develop and deliver content rather than just as a system to distribute currency. LBRY had a similar concept, although more as a way to deliver others content rather than its own. But there is room for both.... Maybe even a decentralized station that has the rewards from advertising/commercials directed back into the system for users

yea i invested into lbry. did you buy in? or are you mining their coins?

Well, bought in a little (investment budget is lacking lol). Set up to attempt to mine while I am on vacation for 8 days, but it's the CPU miner from github. See if I received anything when I return. Mostly will probably attempt to do the same as I am doing here. Earn sweat equity though promotion and content.

Really interesting project, thanks for share

yea they are going to have a ICO too so keep it peeking. ill be posting updates as they come in homie.