How Many Crypto Currency Will Go TO ZERO??

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

How Many Crypto Currency Will Go TO ZERO??

So because its so easy to issue tokens today. Every one is coming up with an idea, writing a white paper. issuing tokens and raising funds.Some of these tokens never get traded on exchanges some of them Do. The fact is the once which are traded already still don’t have actual working product.Just because they are being traded on exchanges now doesn’t mean that they are legit and are here to stay for long.
Tomorrow its quite possible that they may not be able build a working project , or they wont be able to create enough users or may be by the time they have their product ready , something better will come along and make them obsolete.

So what happens to holders of it???
Even though holding is the best strategy for long term profit but that will only work in favour if that coin is going to perform well or at least be alive in long term. And so it’s absolutely as better strategy to have your investments in only those crypto assets that have use cases and actual products for example bitcoin , Ethereum , vechain and steemit and there are few others.
In fact I am going to look into coin market and make a list of crypto s which are delivering product today.

I my next Blog or Video I will list all the Coins that already have product and users. And May have 10X growth Potential, Even one Product that becomes next Google or Facebook is enough for Crypto Enthusiast to set him Financially Free.

I would love to know your Thoughts on which Tokens do You think are here for at least next decade?

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i will do research before invest into any project, and if the token price i invested going up i will get back the money i invest in first then the rest just leave it wait and see can earn more or not ... lol

Yeah ,Thats a great strategy ,taking the Initial investment out ..

recently market got one new token name Acclaim Token (ACM) from GCOX, they finished their 1st tranche ITS with a good result was 156% oversubscribed!!! i did invest into it too caused i think this is a not bad project. manny pacquiao and micheal owen invest into it too, u can go to their website have a look :) it might can earn double or triple if u invest now ... lol