Jeff Bezos invented Bitcoin ?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Ok, hear me out.

There’s a theory that Elon Musk invented bitcoin. However, after watching several talks and early YouTube videos about Amazon, I (just as a thought experiment, really) kind of think Jeff Bezos may have. My rationale below.

  1. Jeff Bezos is really damn smart. Prior to making amazon, Jeff Bezos was a Wall Street Guy. He seems to understand money in general.

  2. Jeff Bezos grew up making stuff. I watched a video of him and his brother doing an interview (where I got most of this theory from) at web summit, where they talked about how he built a house with his grandfather. That’s not proof, but at an early age, he seemed mechanically inclined.

  3. Jeff Bezos understands the Internet, and commerce. Amazon. AWS. kindle. Audible. Etc. I could go on but I’ll stop.

  4. Jeff Bezos is fascinated with space. In that same web summit video he talks about his rationale for making a space company. A) loved space as a kid. B) sees the need for humans to be interplanetary. C) money and waiting for centralized banks on earth won’t really work in space.

  5. Jeff Bezos has a history of hating government intervention. He’s been embroiled with the government over sales tax, he bought the Washington Post specifically to help bolster real journalism in the face of propaganda (just my own theory.)

  6. Jeff Bezos is really into long term thinking. He mentioned in that video, a concept called “long term thinking”, which is essentially doing thought experiments where you say, what will things look like in 100 years. And what do I need to do t get there.

He also evangelizes and runs Amazon in a similar fashion., where bets or inventions don’t come to fruition for about 10 years in average.

This kind of thinking plays nicely with rethinking global / interstellar money.

  1. Jeff Bezos is a huge nerd. Dude loves Star Trek, seems to think a lot about not only technology but also relationships and connectedness.

These also play into my theory.

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I like your speculation, but I feel it's a little too far fetched.
No point actually convinced me to believe Jeff Bezos is behind it. It's a little vague and I don't think he had spent so much time on building this algorithm, as he was completely invested in creating Amazon the way it is today.

Interesting speculation. Well, we know that Amazon will be accepting Bitcoin soon sooo. . .