Did my 1st transfer using @blocktrades to my steemit Account today.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

I did my first trade today (yeah) using @blocktrades. I did a test trade of $16 Aus from my wallet into SBD 10.90 through @blocktrades. Went smooth as a baby's bottom, all done in under 10 minutes and was easy as. Cheers


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Blocktrades is the best of these types of services that I've used thus far.

It was surprisingly easy and a lot faster than I was expecting it to be, do you use anyone else to buy steem?

I've used Polo but they have so many problems lately

@silverbug what do you use to purchase the sbd? Do you purchase btc or something similar and convert that from there?

Hey @scooter77, I opened up a coinjar account which transfers Aus$ to bitcoin, then I when through @blocktrades to buy the sbd. Cheers

Big congrats @silverbug!!

Thanks for that, it was a lot easier that I thought it would be. Cheers

I am a Silverbug myself.....Good on you for your First Trade at Blocktrades

Thanks fellow @silverbug, and it was super quick. Cheers

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@silverbug how does this work? What is the conversion rate? Are their fees too high?

Haven't worked all that out yet, it was only a small amount just in case I stuffed up and lost it. It was my first test run to try and figure this stuff out. Cheers

@silverbug I'm trying to figure this out too. If you come up with ways to purchase using USD please let me know

I also have good experiences with Blocktrades.us.

Yeah it was very quick and simple. Cheers

Great transfer!

Thanks, I will be doing some more.

Thank you for this information @silverbug.

Thanks for reading my post, cheers