Part 20.
Many people think its only the size of their bank account that classifies the rich from the poor. Well, that's not true. They are other things, from mentality to the way they carry themselves, you can have N10 in your account and still be rich.
One of the major difference is how they react to problems. While the poor see problems as well, obstacles, the rich see them as challenges. Obstacles halt a person's progress, but challenges if defeated gives you an edge and a sense of accomplishment.
"Obstacles are things you see when you take your eyes off your goal". - Henry Ford.
Its like playing an adventure game, each level has a bad guy you must defeat to go ahead. In a school, exams show up but you don't run away, you write them. It's like the World Cup, to win it you have to beat the best teams in the world.
You should see problems as challenges and once defeated adds to your C. V. David saw Goliath as a challenge, Israel saw him as an obstacle. Guess whose C.V is getting the King's Job.
At Cryptosilv, when life serves us lemons, we kick life's butt and order for chocolate milk. 😊
Contribution by: Anthony Ajibola